Service Fabric Deploy error

Kiranmayeevnv 1 Reputation point

We upgraded the application from multiple versions to 3.1 .NetCore. Encountered couple of issues in the process, and the latest is happening when deploying to Cluster on cloud.
total 3 applications, 2 apps have 7 services each and 1 has web api service.

Out of these, the web api, and total 3 services from 14 services across 2 apps are failing. 2 more were failing, but started working after downgrading the Microsoft IdentityClient to 3.14.2

one of the errors is 'System.RA' reported Warning for property 'ReplicaOpenStatus'.
Replica had multiple failures during open on _Primary_1. API call: IStatelessServiceInstance.Open(); Error = System.InvalidOperationException (-2146233079)
ServiceEndpoint not found in Service Manifest.
at Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Communication.AspNetCore.AspNetCoreCommunicationListener.GetEndpointResourceDescription(String endpointName)
at Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Communication.AspNetCore.KestrelCommunicationListener.GetListenerUrl()
at Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Communication.AspNetCore.AspNetCoreCommunicationListener.OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Runtime.StatelessServiceInstanceAdapter.OpenCommunicationListenersAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Runtime.StatelessServiceInstanceAdapter.System.Fabric.IStatelessServiceInstance.OpenAsync(IStatelessServicePartition partition, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
For more information see: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>

I have the end points defined. this is same code working on 2.1 net core
I will get back to others in reply below

Azure Service Fabric
Azure Service Fabric
An Azure service that is used to develop microservices and orchestrate containers on Windows and Linux.
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  1. Kiranmayeevnv 1 Reputation point

    I checked the servicemanifest and it has the endpoints, the transformed files are present

    Then, the other error is
    System.Hosting' reported Warning for property 'CodePackageActivation:Code:EntryPoint:132679177342412731'.
    There was an error during CodePackage activation.The process/container terminated with exit code:2147516556. Please look at your application logs/dump or debug your code package for more details. For information about common termination errors, please visit

    All these while deploying on Azure Clusters
    Any help will be appreciates

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  2. Kiranmayeevnv 1 Reputation point
    2021-06-21T19:03:45.727+00:00 using this as example, I downgraded the DLL's to 4.0.470. Still same error

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