How to use greatest() function in EF core LINQ queries

Mohit Tyagi 1 Reputation point Microsoft Employee

Azure SQL now supports greatest() function to find out the greatest value among multiple columns thereby preventing from writing cumbersome CASE WHEN statements in the query.

I need to use this in a LINQ query's order by clause. I have 4 date columns and I need to order the results based on the maximum of these. Can someone please point me how can this be achieved? cc: @Duane Arnold

Entity Framework Core
Entity Framework Core
A lightweight, extensible, open-source, and cross-platform version of the Entity Framework data access technology.
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Azure SQL Database
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  1. Daniel Zhang-MSFT 9,621 Reputation points

    Hi MohitTyagi-2522,
    As AgaveJoe said that EF Core does not support greatest() function.
    And you can use Max method to get the maximum resulting value.
    Here is also a related thread you can refer to.
    Best Regards,
    Daniel Zhang

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  2. GrzegorzF 1 Reputation point

    I know question was asked a year ago. However, since EF core 2, there is DbFunctionAttribute, which allows you to define custom non-aggregate db functions to use with linq.

            public static double ArrayPercentile(double[] values, double fraction)
                throw new Exception();

    Postgres supports array types. You can use it as follows:

    var percentiles_context.MyTable.Select(x => ArrayPercentile(x.ArrayColumn, 0.9)).ToList();

    Probably it will work with params as well, but you can also try array approach or fixed number of arguments

    Regards GrzegorzF

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