IIS spawns many fastcgi php processes while pressing F5 for refreshing site

Lavid 1 Reputation point


we use a IIS 8.5.9600.16384 with fast-cgi and PHP 7.3.4 64bit in a larger productive environment. Now we locate a problem with the fast cgi processes in the task manager.

Normally the IIS spawns 5-6 PHP-cgi.exe processes and everything looks good, but if you open any site and press often F5 or hold the F5 button down, the IIS spawns many PHP-cgi.exe processes. At the end the IIS hit the limit (in our case 100 instances) and you see 100 PHP-cgi.exe processes in the task manager. Now the server is extremly slow. After some time (2-3 min.) some processes disappear from the task manager.

If you reload the page with STRG+R or if you call annother page, the IIS doesn't spawn new PHP-cgi.exe processes. It only happens if you use F5.

Why does this happen?

How we can prevent it?

Internet Information Services
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