Int 3 causes System Interrupt process to 95% CPU usage

amirkhansinga 6 Reputation points

I developed a Visual C++ using Toolset 2019 (v142) program which uses an _asm { int 3 } block to detect if it is running under a debugger context.

bool CheckDebug()
    bool hayDebug = false;

            int 3

        hayDebug = true;
        hayDebug = false;

    return hayDebug;

In hundreds of computers running services Windows 10, 8.1 and 7 it works well, but in several computers that instruction causes the System Interrupt process to get 95% to 100% of CPU usage, and the program stops running without kill his own process. I checked thast using Process Explorer. If I remove that instruction, the program runs well in all computers. Can you tell me why this occurs?

Note: The issue has been resolved.

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