its been a while since iv tried to get into my account and thought i might of mixed up this and the one i used for my main if any of you can help my what email\gmail thing my account Xxkatiemcraftxx used that would be a great help!
More background that you may not have to read. This happened a good long while ago when I logged into/ transferred from Xbox console companion to the regular Xbox app. When I logged in i realized it was not my main account and somehow made a new account with prosumingly the same microsoft account of my main . I took some days to try and get back my account but gave up and now im back (mostly because i have a new computer and i miss playing Minecraft and. Im pretty sure that you can get it back on a new computer if you use the account you got it on originally) Hopefully i got it all down to help and make things easer and i can get my beloved account back (yes i said beloved i really cant get over loosing it)