I am following up this doc series to set up an internal API management instance integrated with APP Gateway in azure. I followed everything to the detail:
1 Created a new resource group
2 Setup a Vnet with 3 subnets
3 And setup a private dns zone and link the vnet
4 And then created self-signed certificates to be used with the dns created in private dns zone
5 Created API management instance and added custom domains
6 Created a App Gateway with public IP and setup routing rules and backends and setup health probes with path /status-0123456789abcdef for APIM
But now I am getting this backend health error as below:
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Are there any security groups to be configured? I am using an internal mode for the APIM, and when I even try to test the default API (which is echo test) it gives the below error:
Why this is not working? If you need any more information, I will let you know (update the question). Can someone please help me?