4.5 c# MVC using stored procedure to fill a custom grid
myDataGrid myinfo; (custom data grid)
this.myinfo.DataSource = ConnectionManager.Default.GetDataSet)CommandType.StoredProcedure, .....
and then
How to use sql type commands on that dataset using LINQ?? to "fix" the poor or wrong stored procedure in the code by saying:
myDataGrid myinfo2;
select item1, item2, item3, item4, item5,
DECODE ( item6, 'Special Price', '<img src=/images/dollar.gif>', null) as item7
So if the value in any row for item6 says "special price" then item7 gets the image html or gets nothing
Changing the original sql isnt an option. have to take the DataSet and convert it into >>? what? and try to run LINQ queries on it to reshape the data
so if column 6 data says 'abc' then column 7 is blank, thats really the goal here.
dataset has 7 columns of data. how to use sort/linq commands on the dataset to build into a new dataset and pass that one onto the grid?