Web image search sometimes returns incorrect values for thumbnail size

Jim Rose 1 Reputation point

Some queries return the wrong dimensions for thumbnails. E.g. currently a search with a URL like https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/images/search/?q=nxivm&count=50&offset=0&safeSearch=moderate&setLang=en&mkt=en-US&originalImg=true returns results that have mostly incorrect sizes for the thumbnails, e.g.
"thumbnail": {
"width": 300,
"height": 300

when the actual thumbnail image dimensions are different.
This seems to occur for random queries, many other queries will return the correct sizes for all thumbnails. Even with the same query, we have seen it return incorrect results then a week or so later the thumbnail sizes will now be correct. This breaks our app as we rely on correct thumbnail image dimensions in order to show correctly sized thumbnails in the UI.

Bing Image Search
Bing Image Search
A Bing service that supports searching for images and gets comprehensive results.
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