IIS anonnymous users

Matej B 1 Reputation point


I have problems with my web site. External users (clients) use my web site for internet banking (example: www.interntebanking.sk). Users use loggin name and password to access to this web site.
Problem is when user with IE11 logging out. Then in iis logs i see last used address (example www.internetbanking.sk/banking.aspx) and this address from user ip (after user is logging out) is in iis logs every 2min. with http code 302 only or with 302 and 500.... This situation causes increasing annonymous users in IIS an performacne problems. Recycling not work....
This problem occurs only with IE11 and after user logging out....
Any tips wher is problem? Or can i somehow block/filter this behavior on IIS?

Thank you for response and help

Internet Information Services
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