Windows refusing to update

Colin Stephens 1 Reputation point

Hi you lovely people,
For the past few years my computer has refused to update. It has never been much of a problem other than the annoying bit of having to deal with older Windows 10. But recently I bought a new graphics card and the drivers refuse to install on my version of windows. Every single time I try to update I get the message, "A current driver on your PC may be better than the driver we're trying to install. We'll keep trying to install." It is absolutely infuriating and I can't seem to get it to update for the life of me. Even the few times I've gotten far enough for my computer to restart and begin updating, the screen goes black and reverts all changes with no explanation as to why. I'm at my wits end and genuinely thinking of dumping my drives, buying new ones, and reinstalling windows. This is kind of a last ditch attempt. I've even tried to reset the thing and the same things happen.

Windows 10
Windows 10
A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.
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4 answers

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  1. Dave Patrick 426.1K Reputation points MVP

    Just checking if there's any progress or updates?

    --please don't forget to upvote and Accept as answer if the reply is helpful--

    1 person found this answer helpful.
    0 comments No comments

  2. Dave Patrick 426.1K Reputation points MVP

    The hardware manufacturer's site will be your best resource for the latest firmware, chipset and drivers for your mother board or graphics adapter and other peripherals.

    --please don't forget to upvote and Accept as answer if the reply is helpful--

    0 comments No comments

  3. Docs 15,141 Reputation points

    This is a script from Microsoft Technet script guys.
    Open administrative Powershell > copy and paste the whole script > Click enter > click OK > it takes approximately 20 minutes and can run overnight > post a share link using one drive, drop box, or google drive

    function wh   
            Param ( [parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$txt )  
            Write-Host $txt -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline  
            ##Example usage wh "Alias for `n Write-Host"  
        } ## End function wh  
    function StartScript   
            ##Locating Temp Dir and writing Transcript  
            $global:tempDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()   
            MD $tempDir\LOGS -EA SilentlyContinue   
            CD $tempDir\LOGS  
            $txtCount = Get-Item $tempDir/LOGS/*.TXT -EA SilentlyContinue  
            if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##WIN7 Not Supported  
                    if($txtCount.Count -cge 1)   
                    {Start-Transcript -Append -Path $tempDir/LOGS/Event-Search.TXT}   
                    Else{Start-Transcript -Path $tempDir\LOGS\Event-Search.TXT}   
            $global:explore = $tempDir + "LOGS\"  
            $global:Ver = "1.6.3"  
            wh "`nLog Collection... (V$Ver)`n"  
            #clearing previous actions  
            Stop-Job *  
            #Initialize CheckBox Vars to $True/$False  
                $Global:EventsCollect = $true; $Global:SetupDiagCollect = $true  
                    $Global:UpdatesCollect = $true; $Global:WLANCollect = $true  
                        $Global:PowerCollect = $true; $Global:GPCollect = $true  
                            $Global:miscCollect = $true; $Global:bingCollect = $true  
                                $Global:eventOut = $false        
            #Clear Jobs  
            Stop-Job *  
            Remove-Job *  
        } ## End function Start-Script  
    function SetupDiagFunc  
            wh "`n Grabbing SetupDiag.exe ..."       
            Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $tempDir\SetupDiag.exe -TimeoutSec 3 -UseBasicParsing  
                #check for successful download  
                if((Get-Item $tempDir\SetupDiag.exe).length -gt 100000)  
                      wh "`nSuccessful DL!"  
                      wh "`n Invoking SetupDiag.exe ..."  
                      $SetupDiag = {CMD.EXE /C "%temp%\setupdiag.exe /Verbose /Output:%temp%\SetupDiag-Log.txt"}  
                      ## Kick-Off SetupDiagJob  
                      Start-Job -Name SetupDiagJob -ScriptBlock $SetupDiag                     
                    }Else{Write-Host "`nDownload of SetupDiag.exe Failed!" -BackgroundColor RED }  
        } ## End Function SetupDiagFunc  
    function EventSearch  
        wh "`n Starting EventSearch Job-Function ...`n"  
        ## Gathering Events from System using Get-WinEvent via Job  
        $EventSearchJob =   
            $evtPaths = Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\*.evtx -Exclude "*PowerShell*",   
                "*known folders*" | Select-Object FullName  
            $i = $evtPaths.Count  
            $x = 0 ##For 1st Loop do Until x = i  
            $events = @()  
            $gatherEvents = @()  
            $eventsArray = @()  
            $searchResult = @()  
            $MaxEvents = 99  
            #Loading/Gathering Events Loop...  
            do {  
                ##Getting Events w/ Get-WinEvent         
                $gatherEvents = Get-WinEvent -Path $evtPaths[$x].FullName -MaxEvents $MaxEvents -EA SilentlyContinue  
                $events = $events + $gatherEvents             
                 Until ($x -eq $i)      
            $x = $x +1 ##Total Events Found!  
            $eventsLength = $events.Length ##Total events catalogged!  
            $xx = 0  
            # Write Event Properties to a row and roll it out - Collapsing Array ...   
            do {  
                   $date = $events[$xx].TimeCreated | Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd".ToString() -EA SilentlyContinue ##EA SC for Blank Entries  
                    $eventRow = new-object PSObject -Property @{  
                    Date = $date;  
                    Id = $events[$xx].Id;  
                    Level = $events[$xx].LevelDisplayName;  
                    Provider = $events[$xx].ProviderName;  
                   Message = $events[$xx].Message;  
                    $cRow = $date + " " + "ID:" +  $events[$xx].Id + " " + "Level:" + $events[$xx].LevelDisplayName + " " + "Provider:" + $events[$xx].ProviderName + " " + "Message:" + $events[$xx].Message   
                    $eventsArray += $cRow  
            Until ($xx -eq $events.Length)  
            ##Looking for patterns error or fail in $eventsArray  
            $search = $eventsArray | Select-String -pattern ("error|fail") 
            Return $search ## | Write-Output ##Output for job  
            } ## End $EventSearchJob  
        Start-Job -Name EventSearchJob -ScriptBlock $EventSearchJob  
        } ## End function Event-Search  
    function writeSearch  ##   
            ##Event Logs Cont.  
            MD $tempDir\LOGS\EVTX\ -EA SilentlyContinue 
            ##output to file  
            $search | Group-Object | Sort-Object Count -Descending | Format-Table Count, Name -Wrap > TOP-ERRORS.TXT  
            $search > $tempDir\LOGS\SEARCH.TXT  
        if($Global:eventOut -eq $True)  
            $search | Group-Object | Sort-Object Count -Descending |   
                Select-Object -Property Count, Name | Out-GridView -Title "Top `"Errors`" via EVTX - V-$Ver"  
            wh "`n Collecting Matching EVTX Entries ...`n"     
            #Collecting all prev matching EVTX  
            #$evtx = Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\*.evtx  
            $evv = 0  
               $providerName =   
                   (($search | Select-String "Provider:.*Message:").Matches.Value -Replace   
                          " Message:", "" -Replace "Provider:", "" | Group-Object ).Name  
                #Converting Provider Name to Log Name                 
                $providerName = (($providerName | ForEach-Object {Get-WinEvent -ProviderName $_ -MaxEvents 1 -EA SilentlyContinue}).LogName | Group-Object).Name     
                   $providerName = $providerName -replace "Microsoft.", ""  
                      $providerName = $providerName -replace "Windows.", ""  
                         $providerName = $providerName -replace "`/.*$", ""  
                             $evtx = $providerName | foreach{Get-ChildItem "C:\Windows\System32\winevt\logs\*$_*"}  
                        COPY $evtx[$evv].PSPath $tempDir\LOGS\EVTX\ 
                      Until($evv -eq $evtx.Count)  
        } #End function writeSearch  
    function GetUpdates  
            wh "`n Starting Get-WindowsUpdateLog Job-Function ...`n"  
            $updateJob = {get-WindowsUpdateLog}  
            if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##Modern Gatherer  
                Start-Job -Name GetUpdates -ScriptBlock $updateJob  
            ##Legacy Gatherer  
            CP C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log $tempDir\LOGS\WindowsUpdate.log  
            Get-WmiObject win32_quickfixengineering > $tempDir\LOGS\Installed_Updates.TXT  
            Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystemQFE >> $tempDir\LOGS\Installed_Updates.TXT  
        DISM /Online /Get-Packages /Format:Table >> $tempDir\LOGS\Installed_Updates.TXT 
        } ## End function Get-Updates  
    function PrinterCheck  
            wh "`n Getting Printer Information ..."  
            get-printer | ft Name, ComputerName, Type, DriverName, PortName, Datatype, Location, DriverName > $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
            get-printerDriver | fl >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
            Get-ChildItem -Recurse Registry::"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT -Append  
            Get-ChildItem -Recurse Registry::"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows x64\Drivers" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT -Append  
            Get-ChildItem -Recurse Registry::"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT -Append  
            write-output "## CBS ntprint CHECK ##" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
            $cbsCheck = (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\*cbs* -Recurse | select-string -Pattern "E_INVALIDARG in eventsXml.*Microsoft-Windows-PrintService")  
            if($cbsCheck.Count -eq 0){Write-Output "## NO MATCHES IN CBS ##" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT} Else{$cbsCheck | Group-Object  >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT}  
            write-output "## ntprint.dll CHECK ##" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
            (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\System32\ntprint.dll).VersionInfo | ft -AutoSize >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
            (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntprint.dll).VersionInfo | ft -AutoSize >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
        } ## End function PrinterCheck  
    function UpdateHelper  
        if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5)  
                $winupdatelog = get-item $tempDir\LOGS\windows-update.log    ##WIN-10 File  
                MD $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\ -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-Null  
                CP C:\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\*.etl $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\ -EA SilentlyContinue  
                Else{$winupdatelog = get-item $tempDir\LOGS\windowsupdate.log} ##LEGACY File  
        $updateError = ($winupdatelog | select-string -pattern "error.*0x........");  
        $updateErrorSplit = $updateError -Split " "  
        $updateErrorCount = (($updateErrorSplit | select-string -pattern "0x........") -Replace "[(),'`.:]", "" -Replace "hr=", "");  
        $updateErrorCount | Group-Object | Sort-Object Count -Descending | Format-Table Count, Name | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT -Width 999  
        $updateError >> UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT  
        if($updateError.length -eq 0){"No `"error.*0x........`" patterns Found in Windows-Update.log" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT}  
        ($winupdatelog | Select-String "KB\d\d\d\d\d\d\d" | Select-string "fail") | Out-file $tempDir\LOGS\UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT -Append -width 999  
        } ## End function UpdateHelper  
    function getProcesses  
        wh "`nGetting Active Process ...`n"   
        Get-Process > $tempDir\LOGS\Running-Processes.TXT  
        CMD.EXE /C "tasklist /svc" | Out-File -Append  $tempDir\LOGS\Running-Processes.TXT  
        } ## End function getProcesses  
    function GetApps  
        wh "`n Getting List of Installed Apps...`n"  
        Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Format-Table -Property Name, Version, Vendor > $tempDir\LOGS\Installed-Apps.TXT  
        Get-AppxPackage | ft Name, Version, InstallLocation, IspArtiallyStaged, SignatureKind, Status >> $tempDir\LOGS\Installed-Apps.TXT  
        } ## End function GetApps  
    function SetupLogs  
        wh "`nGetting Windows Setup Logs Independent of SetupDiage.exe...`n"  
            MD $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\ -EA SilentlyContinue  
        dir C:\ > $tempDir\LOGS\Dir_Structure.txt  
        ## Main Setup Collection  
        if($env:SystemDrive -eq 'C:') ##Verify SystemDrive  
            $SetupPaths = @()  
            $locations = @(  
            for($i = 0; $locations.count -gt $i; $i++)  
                if((get-item $locations[$i] -Force -EA SilentlyContinue).length -gt 0) ##Null Path Check -Force for Hidden  
                    CD $locations[$i]  
                    ##Search includes setuperr/setupact only  
                    $SetupPaths += Get-ChildItem * -Force -Recurse -Include setuperr.log, setupact.log, miglog.xml, *APPRAISER_Humanreadable.xml -EA SilentlyContinue      
            $cleanPaths = @()  
            for($i = 0; $SetupPaths.count -gt $i; $i++)  
                $cleanPaths += $SetupPaths[$i].PSParentPath.ToString() -replace "Microsoft\.PowerShell\.Core\\FileSystem\:\:C\:\\", ""  
            CD $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\  
            MD $cleanPaths -Force  
            CD $tempDir\LOGS\  
            for($i = 0; $SetupPaths.count -gt $i; $i++)  
                $destPath = "$tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\" + $cleanPaths[$i]  
                $copyPathLog = ($SetupPaths[$i].ToString())  
                Copy  $copyPathLog -Destination $destPath  
        }Else{Write-Host "`nSystem Drive is not C:... Setup Collection Aborted!`n"}  
        ## End Main Setup Collection  
            ## Setup Reg Output      
            Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SYSTEM\SETUP\ | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\HKLM_SYSTEM_SETUP-OOBE.TXT  
            Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OOBE\Me* -recurse -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\HKLM_SYSTEM_SETUP-OOBE.TXT -Append  
            Get-Childitem HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\HKLM_SYSTEM_SETUP-OOBE.TXT -Append  
            ## SetupAct String Search  
             $setupRegx = @("MOUPG SetupHost..Initialize:",  
                            (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MOUPG  SetupHost..Initialize. CmdLine"),  
                            "MOUPG Setup build & Host OS Build:",  
                            (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MOUPG  SetupHost..Setup build"),  
                            (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MOUPG      Host OS"),  
                            "Watson Parameters (4&5):",  
                            (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "Watson Bucketing Parameters\[[4-5]\]" ),  
                            (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "\[0x........\]\[0x.....\]"),  
                            (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "FATAL" | Select-String -NotMatch "FatalExecutionEngineError" | Select-String -NotMatch "non-fatal"),  
                            "`"Error   `":",  
                            (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "Error   "),  
                            (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MIGRATE.*DATA"),  
                Do {$setupRegx[$q] | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\SetupAct-Regex.TXT -Append -Width 999 ##spool out results  
                                                }Until($q -eq $setupRegx.Count)  
        } ## End function SetupLogs  
    function powerCFGInfo  
        MD $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\ -EA SilentlyContinue  | Out-Null  
        wh "`n Grabbing PowerCFG, Sleep & Battery Info ...`n"  
        ("`n" + "Available Sleep States (/A): `r" + "`n" +"============================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        powercfg /a | Out-File -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        ("`n" + "-DeviceQuery Wake_Armed: `r" + "`n" +"========================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        powercfg -devicequery wake_armed  | Out-file -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        ("`n" + "Last Wake (-lastwake):  `r" + "`n" +"=====================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        powercfg -lastwake  | Out-file -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        ("`n`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        ("`n" + "-Requests: `r" + "`n" +"==========`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        powercfg -requests  | Out-file -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        $powerList = powercfg -list  
        $powerList | Out-File -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        $powerActive = $powerList | select-string "\*" | powercfg /QH "$_"   
        ("`n`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        ("`n" + "Active Power Scheme Details: `r" + "`n" +"============================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        $powerActive | Out-File -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
        if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##WIN7 Does not Support powercfg /battery /sleepstudy  
               $ifbattery = Get-WmiObject win32_battery  
               if ( $ifbattery.__SERVER.count -cge 1 ) { CMD.EXE /C "powercfg /batteryreport /output %temp%\LOGS\POWER\battery-report.html" }  
               CMD.EXE /C "powercfg /sleepstudy /output %temp%\LOGS\POWER\sleepstudy-report.html"  
               CMD.EXE /C "powercfg /ENERGY /duration 10 /output %temp%\LOGS\POWER\energy-report.html"         
        } ## End function powerCFGInfo  
    function sysProductCheck  
        wh "`n Getting SystemProductName ...`n"  
        ##SystemInformation Reg   
        reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SystemInformation\ /v SystemProductName  > $tempDir\LOGS\REG_SystemProductName.TXT   
        Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem > $tempDir\LOGS\WMI_Object_System.TXT  
        Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct >> $tempDir\LOGS\WMI_Object_System.TXT  
        } ## End functions sysProductCheck  
    function showWLAN  
        wh "Generating NETSH WLAN Report...`n"  
        $showWLANjob = {  
                        CMD.EXE /c "netsh wlan show networks mode=ssid > %temp%\LOGS\Network\wlan.txt"  
                        CMD.EXE /c "netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid >> %temp%\LOGS\Network\wlan.txt"  
                        CMD.EXE /c "netsh winhttp show proxy > %temp%\LOGS\Network\proxy.txt"  
                        CMD.EXE /c "netsh wlan show wlanreport & COPY C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\wlanReport\wlan-report-latest.html %temp%\LOGS\Network\wlan-report-latest.html"   
                        ##WIN7 Does not Support netsh wlanreport                                                    
        Start-Job -Name showWLAN -ScriptBlock $showWLANjob  
        } ## End function sysProductCheck  
    function getGPRESULT  
        wh "`nGetting GPRESULT...`n"  
        } ## End function getGPRESULT  
    function reservedCheck  
        $reservedJob =   
            $vol = (mountvol /L | select-string -Pattern "\\\\")  
            $volstring = "mountvol y:" + $vol[0]  
            CMD.EXE /C $volstring  
            SLEEP 2  
            CMD.EXE /C "CHKDSK y: > %temp%\LOGS\SystemReserved.TXT"  
            SLEEP 2 # Pause after drive dismount  
            CMD.EXE /C "mountvol y: /D"  
        Start-Job -Name reservedJob -ScriptBlock $reservedJob  
        } ## End function reservedCheck  
    function fltmcCheck  
        wh "`n Getting fltmc Filters ...`n"  
        CMD.EXE /c "fltmc filters > %temp%\LOGS\fltmc_filters.TXT"  
        } ## End function fltmcCheck  
    function getDXDiag  
        wh "`n Grabbing DXDiag Info...`n"  
        C:\Windows\System32\dxdiag /x $explore\DxDiag  
        } ## End function getDXDiag  
    function getMSINFO  
        wh "`n Gathering MSINFO32 ...`n"  
        ## check if msinfo is already gathering - if so stop  
        If((get-process | select-string -Pattern "msinfo").Pattern -eq "msinfo")  
        {Stop-Process -ProcessName msinfo32}  
            C:\Windows\System32\msinfo32.exe /nfo $tempDir/LOGS/MSINFO32.NFO  
        } ## End function getMSINFO  
    function getAV  
         if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##Modern OS Only  
            wh "`n Grab root\SecurityCenter2 AntivirusProduct ...`n"  
            $avPath = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class AntivirusProduct) | % {$_.pathtoSignedProductEXE}  
            "AV Info" + "`n========" | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT 
        $avPath | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append  
            if($avPath[0] -match "exe")  
                    $path = (Get-Item $avPath[0]).PSParentPath  
                    Get-Item $path/*.ini | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append  
                    Get-Content $path/*.ini | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append             
                Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\" -recurse -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append      
        } ## End function getAV  
    function getDrivers  
        wh "`n Grabbing Driver listing via DISM.EXE ...`n"  
            $drivers = cmd.exe /C "dism /online /get-drivers /format:table"  
            $drivers += cmd.exe /C "dism /online /get-drivers /all /format:table"  
            $drivers | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/DISM-Get-Drivers.TXT  
        wh "`n Done!`n"  
        } ## End Function getDrivers  
    function getMISCLogs  
            wh "`nCopying misc. logs ...`n"   
            MD $tempDir\LOGS\WER\ -EA SilentlyContinue   
            MD $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\ -EA SilentlyContinue  
            CP "C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\*" $tempDir\LOGS\WER\ -Recurse -EA SilentlyContinue  
            CP "C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\*cbs*" $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\  
            CP "C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\*dism*" $TempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\  
            CP "C:\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\*" $TempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\  
            #DMP Collect  
            $dmp = @()  
            $dmp += Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\*.dmp   
            $dmp += (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\LiveKernelReports\*.dmp -Recurse -EA SilentlyContinue)  
            $dmp += (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\Minidump\*.dmp -Recurse -EA SilentlyContinue)  
            #Validate empty array  
            if($dmp.length -ne 0)  
                            If($dmp[$dd].length -lt 2000000)  
                                { $destPath = $dmp[$dd].PSParentPath.Replace('C:\', '').Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::', '')  
                                    MD $destPath -EA SilentlyContinue 
                                        COPY -Path $dmp[$dd].PSPath -Destination $destPath }  
                        Until($dd -eq $dmp.Count)  
             #disk info 
             "`nGet-Disk:`n=========" > $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT  
             Get-Disk |fl >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT 
             "`nGet-Partition:`n==============" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT  
             Get-Partition >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT 
             Manage-bde -protectors -get C: >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT 
             "`nIO Fail Search:`n===============`n" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT 
             $search | Select-String ".**" | Select-String -NotMatch '0, 0, 0, 0' >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT        
        } ## End function getMISCLogs  
    function bingCollect  
            ##O365 Firewall Check & diagnostics.asp  
            ##URIs based on Article:   
            MD $TempDir\LOGS\Network\ -EA SilentlyContinue  
            wh "Performing Bing & O365 URI Check ... `n"  
                  $bingCheck = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing)   
                  $bingCheck | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT  
                  $URIs = @('',    #0  Standard Reply = 403  
                  '',      #1  Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',                  #2  Standard Reply = 403  
                  '',         #3  Standard Reply = 404  
                  '',         #4  Standard Reply = 403  
                  '',           #5  Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',                        #6  Standard Reply = 404  
                  '',                  #7  Standard Reply = 404   
                  '',             #8  Standard Reply = 404  
                  '',                        #9  Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',                  #10 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',              #11 Standard Reply = 200   
                  '',                #12 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',               #13 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',                #14 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',                          #15 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',                #16 Standard Reply = 403  
                  '',          #17 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',        #18 Standard Reply = 403  
                  '',           #19 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',              #20 Standard Reply = 401  
                  '',          #21 Standard Reply = 401  
                  '',         #22 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',        #23 Standard Reply = 400  
                  '',                                #24 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',                            #25 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',   #26 Standard Reply = 404  
                  '',        #27 Standard Reply = 400  
                  '',                          #28 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',        #29 Standard Reply = 403  
                  '',                        #30 Standard Reply = 400  
                  '',        #31 Standard Reply = 400  
                  '',                #32 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',                       #33 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',              #34 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',                 #35 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '',                     #36 Standard Reply = 200  
                  '');          #37 Standard Reply = 403  
                  $count = 0;  
                  $queryResult =@{};  
                  Write-Host "Checking URIs .." -NoNewline  
                  Do {           
                          $queryResult[$count] = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("http:`/`/" + $URIs[$count]) -Method Head -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec 2).RawContent  
                             }Catch{ $catch = $_ }  
                              if($queryResult[$count].Count -eq 0)  
                                      {$queryResult[$count] = ($catch[$catch.count -1].ToString()).Replace("`n", " ")}                                     
                          Write-Host "." -NoNewline           
                      }Until ($count -eq ($URIs.Count));                            
                  Write-Host "."  
                      Get-Date | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT -Append  
                      $queryResult | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT -Append  
            Write-Host " Bing Check", `n, "==========" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT -Append  
                  wh "`n`n`n`URL Check Finished...`n"   
    function smbConfig  
        $CMDs =  
        {   cmd.exe /c "net config server"    
            cmd.exe /c "net config workstation"  
            Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer"   
            Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | ft }  
        ForEach-Object{Invoke-Command $CMDs | Out-File $TempDir\LOGS\NETWORK\$env:COMPUTERNAME-SMB-Config.TXT -Append}  
        $share = Get-SmbShare  
        ForEach-Object{Get-SmbShareAccess $share.Name | ft  
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  4. Jenny Feng 14,076 Reputation points

    @Colin Stephens
    The best and recommended option to resolve this message is wait. This problem occurs when one of your system driver is latest version, but Windows want to install its own recommended version and hence the OS fails to do so.

    Also, you could try the following methods:
    Run Powershell as administrator and execute the following command:
    This will create a windows update log file on your desktop called WindowsUpdate.log.
    Open this file and hit ctrl + f to open up the search dialog.
    Search for "Error Installing" without the quotes.
    This will give you the device ID of the failed driver.
    Download the driver from your pc manufacturers web site and install.

    Hope above information can help you.


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