Check, if the app service is able to post the files in storage account well. Example, if the storage is full, posting of new files won't happen
Unable to Update/Deploy Azure WebApp From Visual Studio Code -- Azure App Service
I have a running PHP Web App on Azure. I am trying to update to add a few files that have been commited to Git. I try clicking deploy on the Azure App Service extension, but continue to get an error (and am unable to post the updates). Specifically, the output provides the following:
4:57:26 PM: WARNING: Ignoring deploySubPath "" for non-zip deploy.
4:57:27 PM WebApp: Starting deployment...
4:57:28 PM WebApp: Deploying Local Git repository to "WebApp"...
4:58:35 PM: Error: Failed to get status of deployment.
I have tried stopping the App Service when I deploy but no change -- same errors.
I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions. I have been able to update in the past, but not sure why this work flow has stopped working.