System says doesn't found a file but the file exist in the path
I got an app for maintenance and to create new functionalities. I'm not to working very well. I download from git(master branch) b ut it doesn't work. When i do clean in the solution i got an error. Below the error:
/Users/paulocorreadasilva/Desktop/Projects/Trade%20Execucao%20Mobile/packages/Xamarin.Forms.,2): Error MSB4019: o projeto importado "/Users/paulocorreadasilva/Desktop/Projects/Trade Execucao Mobile/packages/Xamarin.Forms." não foi localizado. Confirme se a expressão na declaração Import "/Users/paulocorreadasilva/Desktop/Projects/Trade%20Execucao%20Mobile/packages/Xamarin.Forms." está correta e se o arquivo existe no disco. (MSB4019) (AvaliacaoDeRota)
But i go to the path and i see the file like image below.
What must do i do to fix this problem?