Thanks for the new suggestions. My procedure is very similar, the only difference is (having set the variables) I did:
$oldDisk | Set-PhysicalDisk -Usage Retired
$pool | Get-VirtualDisk | Repair-VirtualDisk
This created a repair storage job for each VirtualDisk. I watched the output of these with:
All the mirror disks repair jobs completed and all the Parity disk repair jobs ended up as Suspended. I could examine the virtual disks:
Get-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName 'Name' | Get-PhysicalDisk
I could see that the Mirror Virtual Disks now used the new disk (and not the old disk). Not surprisingly the Parity disks were still using the old disk and not the new disk.
I could then restore the situation by running:
$oldDisk | Set-PhysicalDisk -Usage AutoSelect
$newDisk | Set-PhysicalDisk -Usage Retired
$pool | Get-VirtualDisk | Repair-VirtualDisk
$pool | Remove-PhysicalDisk -PhysicalDisk $newDisk
This moved all the data back to the old disk and emptied the new disk and allowed it to be moved back to the Primordial pool, so I could start again. Staring again allowed me to try
$pool | Optimize-StoragePool
and (without ant attempt at repair first)
$pool | Remove-PhysicalDisk -PhysicalDisk $oldDisk
I have already read the forum post (and many others), but with no success. I had hoped things would have improved in the last 4 years (as the MS representative said "the product team is currently making efforts to improve the product and we may see some improvements in future release".)
I realise using the new disks to build a new pool and copy all the data across is an option (which I am seriously considering), but it is really disappointing that a trivial operation like replacing a (non failed) disk does not just work and does not give any meaningful indication why. The only helpful(?) error was that I did not have sufficient capacity and I should add more disks. This was after I had added one and then two new 8TB disks. I am considering finding a 5-bay USB enclosure I have and trying to do it in one hit, add all five new disks to the pool, retire all five old disks then repair all the virtual disks!!!