If you are still experiencing this issue please refer to getMailboxUsageDetails returning a ID instead of UserprincipalName and DisplayName.
You should enable the visibility of the user identifying info on the portal as described in the attached thread.
Unexpected data in UserUsage daily report which is fetched from Microsoft Graph API
Faisal -Cloud9
Reputation point
We are using getOffice365ActiveUserDetail endpoint to fetch daily report for Office 365 Active Users. We are calling this endpoint daily using date value i.e. using /reports/getOffice365ActiveUserDetail(date={date_value})
We didn't have any issues earlier, but recently we had values such as <PII:H105(L4WmQF..........=)>@keyman .com in UPN and display name columns. Below is a screenshot of erroneous report.
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Danstan Onyango 3,821 Reputation points Microsoft Employee