We use a combination of Azure Devops Build and Release pipelines to release code to a number of Azure Functions.
As of yesterday late afternoon, the Release steps started failing, with the following error message:
Error: The gateway did not receive a response from 'Microsoft.Web' within the specified time period. (CODE: 504)
I've run the Release again with debug enabled, but the logs don't show any more details pertaining to the error message.
Logs on the side of the Function show no errors, and 'Diagnose and solve problems' doesn't find anything either.
I do notice that the Deployment Center logs cannot be loaded for any of the Functions (stays on Loading).
The Release Pipeline logs also show:
[warning]Error: Failed to update deployment history. Error: Bad Request (CODE: 400)
Since most posts about this topic seem to suggest it's likely an Azure issue that does not show up correctly in the Azure Status page, but is generally resolved after a while, I've then decided to wait some 12 hours before trying again. We are now 16 hours on, but the issue still persists.
Is anyone currently having similar issues?