I have a .net 4.6.2 application for which I have written unit tests for via xunit. These unit tests are executed in our TFS 2018 build through the Visual Studio Test (v2) task in TFS. However, I am having a problem receiving code coverage results from these unit tests. When TestPlatform is set to x86, I see code coverage results as expected. However, when TestPlatform is changed to x64, I do not get any results. To my knowledge, all of my assemblies are compiled as AnyCPU so I am not sure why the test platform would be causing a problem here.
As far as I know, I have reviewed the solutions provided at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/test/troubleshooting-code-coverage?view=vs-2017 and don't believe these are the issue, considering everything works as expected with x86 platform.
Can anyone advise how to troubleshoot this issue further and/or resolve this so I can receive code coverage in 64 bit mode as well?