Especially frustrating when you pay for a DevOps course and can't complete the module because you can't run the pipelines...
How to resolve "No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted" in free tier?
I've just started with Azure DevOps pipelines and just created a very simple pipeline with a Maven task. I don't care for parallelism and I'm not sure in which way I've added it to my pipeline. Is there any way to use the Maven task on the free tier without parallelism?
This is my pipeline:
- master
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- task: Maven@3
15 answers
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Mat Walker 86 Reputation points
2021-07-25T00:03:25.357+00:00 I have just read the Stack Overflow thread as well but am still confused. I followed a Microsoft Azure DevOps set of instructions for setting up the free tier so that I could get familiar with it away from work this evening. And am getting the same issue. I'm not using Parallelism either.
Am i right in saying that users cant just get the free tier Azure Devops going to play with? Without the 2-3 day wait for the manual activity to authorise it. Even though it is not for parallel use? Confused as it doesnt make any sense....
I have just submitted the form as it requests but it asks my organistion details, Private/Public etc... It is for personal skills building use not anything corporate.
Mika Riekkinen 61 Reputation points
2021-12-12T09:45:02.437+00:00 While not a perfect solution, this can be implemented by having a Self-hosted Agent.
- Project settings -> Agent pools
- Create new Agent pool, say "local"
- Add a new Agent and follow the instructions. This includes downloading the binaries and configuring the Agent.
- Start the agent by running (or run.bat?)
- Make your pipeline use the new Agent pool
Last step can be done like this:
pool: name: local trigger: none steps: - script: echo Hello, world! displayName: 'Run a one-line script'
For me this is enough, I can do some testing and learning the syntax and that kind of things.
For macOS Monterey, this was a bit nasty to setup, as the MacOS security did not allow
the installer run properly. I had to allow each dll one by one in System Preferences -> Security.
Also, I had to restart the and multiple times during installation. But once security
is good, this provides exactly what I need. -
Kondapalli Kranthi Kiran 56 Reputation points
2021-09-20T10:52:37.13+00:00 @ChristianWansart-6489 and others.
If you choose to pay than wait for Microsoft responding to your request.
- Log in to your microsoft azure devops
- Select the Devops organization if it already exists otherwise create new Organization
- In the selected organization go to Setup billing and select your Azure subscription
- Back in your Organization settings, select Parallel jobs -> Microsoft Hosted -> Change -> Paid parallel jobs
- Change the paid parallel jobs to a non-zero number, prefer 1 as this setting allows you to choose number of parallel jobs that can be executed at any given time. Given all jobs are Queued.
After this would the jobs can get executed successfully. This would however cost you.
Matthew Delaney 51 Reputation points
2021-08-29T05:55:16.267+00:00 I've also had this when trying to setup a private repo for just myself on the lowest tier. When I'm trying to build skills on a Sunday I don't appreciate having to wait like this.