MVVM/WPF : How can I set a @Parameter for my Stored Procedure in my ViewModel?
Just to give some context:
I have a label in a child-window, which gets its content from a TextBox
in the same child-window, which in turn is bound to the selected row of a DataGrid in a parent-window. I am using a framework (Stylet, akin to Caliburn.Micro) which automatically binds View and ViewModel together by name. But to be able to reference the parent-window DataContext
, I have set the DataContext
for the canvas in my child-window to be that of the parent-window, like so:
DataContext="{Binding Path=(viewmodel:LicenseHolderViewModel.Selected)}"
This allows me to get the selected value of each column into their respective TextBoxes, by binding the TextBoxes with the propertyname for the columns, like so:
Text="{Binding Foretaksnummer}"
So, to my question. In the child-window, I have two DataGrids
, which I am trying to fill with a collection from my MS Sql table, and sorted based on whos child-window I am currently in (they are essentially business profiles).
It looks like this:
It gets filled nicely with the contents of the DataGrid
selected row, but I am not able to reference anything in order to have a value for the @Parameter
I want to pass in to my Stored Procedure
in MS Sql.
This is my Stored Procedure
USE [Ridel.Hub]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[getLicense] Script Date: 18.07.2021 00:09:58 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[getLicense]
@Foretaksnavn nvarchar(50)
SELECT tblLicense.ID, LøyvehaverID, KjøretøyID
FROM tblLicense
INNER JOIN tblLicenseHolder
ON tblLicense.LøyvehaverID = tblLicenseHolder.Foretaksnummer
WHERE tblLicense.LøyvehaverID = @Foretaksnavn
And I am then trying to set value to the parameter in my ViewModel method, like so:
sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@Foretaksnavn", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = ???
But I have no idea how to reference it.
The value I need is found in the TextBox in the child window with the "Foretaksnavn" label infront of it.
How can I access it without breaking MVVM design principles?
Appreciate any assistance!