Get a list of instances and and port numbers running on a server

MrFlinstone 501 Reputation points

Been looking at some code solutions that will derive a list of SQL instances running on a server. The script will run on a server, and return the servername and the port number of SQL instances running on the server. Let us assume the script is running on a server called Server141, the SQL instance is running on port 4455. I will like it to return Server141,4455

I have tried the following to no avail.

Shows the Instances and the Port Numbers on a SQL Server

This function will show the Instances and the Port Numbers on a SQL Server using WMI

The Server Name

Get-SQLInstancesPort Fade2Black

This will display the instances and the port numbers on the server Fade2Black
AUTHOR: Rob Sewell
DATE: 22/04/2015

function Get-SQLInstancesPort {

    param ([string]$Server)

    $mc = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ManagedComputer $Server
    $Instances = $mc.ServerInstances

    foreach ($Instance in $Instances) {
        $port = @{Name = "Port"; Expression = {$_.ServerProtocols['Tcp'].IPAddresses['IPAll'].IPAddressProperties['TcpPort'].Value}}
        $Parent = @{Name = "Parent"; Expression = {$_.Parent.Name}}
        $Instance|Select $Parent, Name, $Port

Complained about cannot find type [Microsoft.SQLServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ManagedComputer]

I also tried

#input file name
#An array to hold the output values  
 #the servers are listed. Make WMI service is enabled on all the target machine  
#Import the server list - Read the servers from the c:\server123.csv file.  
Import-Csv $Inputfilename |% {  
$namespace = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $_.server -Namespace "root\microsoft\sqlserver" -Class "_Namespace" -Filter "name like 'ComputerManagement%'" | sort desc | select -ExpandProperty name -First 1 
$port=Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $_.server -Namespace "root\microsoft\SqlServer\$namespace" -Class ServerNetworkProtocolProperty | select instancename,propertystrval,PropertyName,IPAddressName,ProtocolName |   where{$_.IPAddressName -eq 'IPAll' -and $_.propertystrval -ne ''}  foreach ($p in $port)  
     $Properties = @{      
                     Servername = $_.Server      
                     Instancename = $p.instanceName 
                     PropertyName = $p.PropertyName
$Results += New-Object psobject -Property $properties  
$Results |select ServerName,InstanceName,PropertyName,Port |Format-Table -AutoSize

This had WMI issues too.

Looked on the site

Solution works, however I need this to be a function that I can call that will return servername, portnumber as I will then use this information which will be stored in an array to loop and connect to the instances.

# If there is a valid instance name, proceed farther
    if ($InstanceName.length -gt 0) {

        # Navigate the child keys 
        foreach ($key in Get-ChildItem -path $_.pspath){

            # Find entries belonging to actual database engine instances
            if ($ -like "*MSSQLServer*")

                # Navigate to the key where the TCP settings are stored
                Set-Location -path $key.pspath;
                cd .\SuperSocketNetLib\tcp -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;

                # Ensure we're only reporting against the right keys

                $TCPKey = Get-Location;

                if ($TCPKey -like '*SuperSocketNetLib*') {

                    $TCPProps = Get-ItemProperty $TCPKey;

                    # Find out if TCP is enabled
                    $Enabled = $TCPProps.psobject.Properties["enabled"].value;

                    # Begin the reporting
                    Write-Host "Instance Name: $InstanceName";
                    Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------------------";

                    # If TCP is not enabled, there's point finding all the ports. Therefore, we check.
                    if ($Enabled -eq 1)
                        foreach ($Key in gci $TCPKey)
                            $IPprops = Get-ItemProperty $Key.pspath;
                            $IPAddress = $IPProps.psobject.Properties["IpAddress"].Value;

                            # For the Key IPAll, there is no IPAddress value. therefore, we trap for it.
                            if ($IPAddress -eq $null)
                                $IPAddress = "All"

                            Write-Host "  IP Address: $IPAddress";
                            Write-Host "    Dyn. Ports: ", $IPProps.psobject.Properties["TcpDynamicPorts"].Value;
                            Write-Host "    Sta. Ports: ", $IPProps.psobject.Properties["TcpPort"].Value;

                    } else {
                        Write-Host "  TCP not enabled."

                    Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
                    Write-Host "";

# Return to original location
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.PowerShell: A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
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3 answers

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  1. Ian Xue (Shanghai Wicresoft Co., Ltd.) 31,251 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor


    Please see if installing extensions for PowerShell helps.
    Please note: Information posted in the given link is hosted by a third party. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy and effectiveness of information.

    Best Regards,
    Ian Xue


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  2. MrFlinstone 501 Reputation points

    I have loaded SQLPS module and still no luck.

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  3. John 1 Reputation point

    Late answer, but have been using the below - similar to what you had:

    $Results = @()  
    $namespace = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root/Microsoft/SqlServer' -Class '__NameSpace'|Where-Object {$_.Name -like "ComputerManagement*"} | sort desc | select -ExpandProperty name -First 1   
    $port = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\microsoft\SqlServer\$namespace" -Class 'ServerNetworkProtocolProperty' | select * |   where{$_.IPAddressName -eq 'IPAll' -and $_.propertystrval -ne ''}    
    $Results += foreach ($p in $port){  
        $version = switch($p.__NAMESPACE){  
            root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement11 {"SQL 2012"}  
            root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement12 {"SQL 2014"}  
            root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement13 {"SQL 2016"}  
            root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement14 {"SQL 2017"}  
            root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement15 {"SQL 2019"}  
            Servername = $env:COMPUTERNAME        
            Instancename = $p.instanceName   
            PropertyName = $p.PropertyName  
     $Results | Format-Table -AutoSize  
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