If I do this on Form1_Load, it seems to work correctly (Windows 10, VS 2019) :
WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
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If i minimize the form on start up and use FormWindowState.Normal, it opens at the position of the FormStartPosition.Manual in the top left corner and moves to the desired position of a defined StartPosition or defined location. This happens within milliseconds but you can see it.
It only happens the first time when you maximize it after the start. If you do it again it works normally.
I tried to define the location and the size on start up before and after WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized but i can't figure it out.
PS: It also works normally, if i don't minimize the form on start up, obviously the minimizing generates the issue?!
If I do this on Form1_Load, it seems to work correctly (Windows 10, VS 2019) :
WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;