Given component holder class does not implement interface dagger.hilt.internal.GeneratedComponent
Hi, i'm creating Xamarin DLL from "Kotlin AAR" or "Kotlin Libraries".
Then AAR to DLL Converted Successfully.
There are dagger and hilt libraries (aar/jar) to DLL Converted Successfully.
- dagger-2.37.jar
- hilt-core-2.37.jar
- hilt-android-2.37.aar
- dagger-lint-aar-2.37.aar
On Xamarin.Android App Side
- Added Kotliin DLL
- Added Dagger/Hilt Library DLL
- Added Xamarin.Kotlin.StdLib and related libs from nuget package manager.
- Enabled MultiDexApplication
During testing, create an instance "Kotlin Class (With Converted DLL)", then Xamarin.Android app throws an exception.
Exception Message Java.Lang.IllegalStateException: Given component holder class does not implement interface dagger.hilt.internal.GeneratedComponent or interface dagger.hilt.internal.GeneratedComponentManager.
Please help to me.
What it this message?
How to solve?