Yesterday I got the following tip from mssqltips.com: The Many Uses of Coalesce in SQL Server and was puzzled a lot: I still don't understand what "feature" of Coalesce allows it to pivot data.
According to the MS's documentation coalesce just returns the first non-null value and that is all, but when used with the variable - coalesce (variable, '') + ... it may be used to pivot data:
Here are the two examples showing that adding "coalesce" to the code changes nothing in the output...
...so why "coalesce (variable).. makes that variable to contain not only the last value (Executive) as in the second example but all of them instead???
SELECT @DepartmentName = COALESCE(@DepartmentName,'') + Name + ';'
FROM HumanResources.Department
WHERE (GroupName = 'Executive General and Administration')
SELECT @DepartmentName AS DepartmentNames
Thank you in advance,