@Madala, Hanumantharao Looks like there isn't a dedicated cmdlet for ISE resources but you could simply use the generic Remove-AzResource cmdlet.
How to delete logic app ISE environment using powershell command
Madala, Hanumantharao
Reputation points
Can someone help to provide the steps/commands to delete the logic apps and ISE environment using azure PowerShell commands using runbook in azure automation account.
2 answers
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Pramod Valavala 20,626 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
2021-07-28T05:07:12.927+00:00 -
Madala, Hanumantharao 76 Reputation points
2021-07-29T06:52:38.067+00:00 Ok,noted. I managed to do this task.
$resourceGroupName = "test-rg-dev"
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Logic/workflows"Deleting the logic apps using the AzResource
"Deleting the logic apps in resource group: '$resourceGroupName' " $logicApps = @() Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ResourceType $resourceType | ForEach-Object{$logicApps += $_} write-host $logicApps.Count 'Logic App(s) found' foreach ($logicApp in $logicApps){ $name = $logicApp.Name Write-Output "Deleting Logic App : $name " Remove-AzResource -ResourceId $logicApp.Id -Force }