Hi @lawrence ,
Thank you for the update.
I can't see the picture you expect to output. Sometimes uploading screenshots will fail. I often encounter this situation. You need to upload again and check if the upload is successful.
I did a test based on your original expected output. I encountered some confusion:
- Why does the description belonging to A in your table belong to B in your expected result?And I'm not sure how you get the description column in your expected result.
- How is your Premium column calculated, I can’t find the relationship between it and the PremiumRate column.
Here is what I currently do:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule_Header_Tittle](
[HeaderCode] [char](4) NOT NULL PRimary key,
[HeaderDescription] [varchar](200) NULL,
[HeaderShortDescription] [varchar](70) NULL,
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule_Header_Tittle]
('0004','PLANT ALL RISKS','PAR'),
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule_Header](
[RecordID] [int] NOT NULL, -- PK
[PolicyRefCode] [char](10) NOT NULL, -- FK
[HeaderCode] [char](4) NULL, -- FK
[ScheduleCategory] [char](1) NULL,
[ScheduleName] [varchar](150) NULL,
[ScopeofCover] [varchar](2048) NULL,
[CoverExtension] [varchar](2048) NULL,
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule_Header]
(13202,'0000000001','0004','A','PLANT ALL RISK','SSRC - Free Plus Flood & Tornado - Free','The policy will provide indemnity for all risks of physical loss or damage including loss or damage occasioned by electrical and mechanical breakdown which are normal insurable and not normally excluded, including all contents, machinery, plants, equipments, materials, stock, spares, accessories and real property of any description which are the properties of the insured.'),
(13203,'0000000002','0005','B','MATERIAL DAMAGE','SSRC - Free ','The policy will indemnify you in respect of any loss arising from claims for breach of duty which may be made against you by reason of any neglect, error or ommission whatever or whereever committed or alleged to have been committed in the conduct of your business in a professional capacity by any person in your employment.'),
(13204,'0000000003','0006','C','PUBLIC LIABILITY','Flood & Tornado -free ','The policy will indemnify you in respect of any loss arising from claims for breach of duty which may be made against you by reason of any neglect, error or ommission whatever or whereever committed or alleged to have been committed in the conduct of your business in a professional capacity by any person in your employment.'),
(13205,'0000000004','0007','D','ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT','Flood & Tornado -free ','The policy will provide indemnity for all risks of physical loss or damage including loss or damage occasioned by electrical and mechanical breakdown which are normal insurable and not normally excluded, including all contents, machinery, plants, equipments, materials, stock, spares, accessories and real property of any description which are the properties of the insured.')
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule](
[RecordID] int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ItemNo] char(10),
[PolicyRefCode] char(10),
[HeaderCode] char(4) NULL,
[ScheduleCategory] char(1) NULL,
[Description] varchar(2048) NULL,
[SumInsured] decimal(19, 4) NULL,
[PremiumRate] decimal(10, 7) NULL,
[PremiumAmount] decimal(19, 4) NULL,
[NetPremiumAmount] decimal(19, 4) NULL,
INSERT INTO [dbo].Underwriting_Policy_Schedule
('2','0000000001','0004','A','Sewage Treatment Plant',14987000.00,0.2,3435069.58,3435069.58),
('3','0000000001','0004','A','Transformer( 300 KVA)',10532200.00,1.8,189579.60,189579.60),
('4','0000000001','0004','A','Elevator',39900000.00,1.2,478800.00, 478800.00),
('1','0000000002','0005','B','On main hotel building of 32 bedrooms including but not limited to all outbuildings, water tanks,boreholes,pumps,diesel tank, landlords fixtures and fiittings situate 18, Obafemi Anibaba, off Admirality Road beside FoodcoLekki Lagos.',460700953.15,0.2,921401.91, 921401.91),
('2','0000000002','0005','B','On complete boundary walls, gates and fences including electric fence',200000,0.2,40000.58,40000.58),
('3','0000000002','0005','B','On all items of any description including but not limited to Furniture, Furnishings, decorative Light fittings, Kitchen equipment of various description,Coldroom,refrigerators, Chandeliers Air Conditioning,Painting and Artworks,Water heater,Bed and Mattresses, Personal effect of Guest, used and unused Stationery, HVAC/Dry contact and all other contents contained in the hotel',581001992.87,0.9,522901.74,522901.74),
('1','0000000003','0006','C','Limit of Indemnity',25000000,0.1,25000.00,25000.00),
('2','0000000003','0006','C','Limit ro Third Party Property Damage',10000000,0.1,10000.00,10000.00),
('1','0000000004','0007','D','On electronic equipments of all description including but not limited to Television ',63239115.80,0.5,318195.58,318195.58),
('2','0000000004','0007','D','On Computer Related devices',200000,0.2,40000.58,40000.58),
('3','0000000004','0007','D','On Electronic Apllicances',10279786,0.5,51398.93,51398.93)
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule_Header_Tittle]
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule_Header]
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule]
;WITH cte
as(SELECT us.[HeaderDescription],up.[ScheduleCategory]
FROM [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule_Header_Tittle] us
JOIN [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule_Header] up
ON us.HeaderCode=up.HeaderCode)
,cte2 as(SELECT c.[ScheduleCategory],c.[HeaderDescription],ups.[ItemNo],ups.[Description],ups.[PremiumAmount]
FROM cte c
JOIN [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule] ups
ON c.[ScheduleCategory]=ups.[ScheduleCategory])
,cte3 AS(SELECT DISTINCT [ScheduleCategory],NULL [ItemNo],[HeaderDescription],NULL [PremiumAmount]
FROM cte2
SELECT [ScheduleCategory],[ItemNo],[Description],[PremiumAmount]
FROM cte2)
ORDER BY [ScheduleCategory],[ItemNo]
DROP TABLE [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule_Header_Tittle]
DROP TABLE [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule_Header]
DROP TABLE [dbo].[Underwriting_Policy_Schedule]
If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
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