Graph API is not listing all installed apps in a teams meeting chat

Rakesh Kumar Joshi 11 Reputation points

I am using the below graph end point to get all the apps installed in a teams meeting chat.

GET /chats/{chat-id}/installedApps

It is listing a few apps but not all the apps that I am installing in that chat.

Request URL:$expand=teamsApp

Request Method: GET

Status Code: 200 OK

request-id: f0de2c11-478e-4535-a59f-82e4d107bc6d

client-request-id: 6dab86d7-29d1-4634-ad7f-ca26d16d09c7

It appears that Graph API is not returning the correct information.

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
10,943 questions
Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams: A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
2,938 questions
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3 answers

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  1. ChetanSharmamsft 1,026 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hello @Rakesh Kumar Joshi
    We have raised a bug for it & will let you know once got confirmation.


  2. Jørgen Solberg 1 Reputation point

    @ChetanSharmamsft We are also experiencing the same!

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  3. Rakesh Kumar Joshi 11 Reputation points

    Hello @ChetanSharmamsft , It seems that the same issue causes our Add tab to a specific chat functionality to break as well. If we try to add a tab to the specified chat with binding to an already installed app, We get the following error.

        Request URL:  
        Request Method: POST  
        Status Code: 400 Bad Request  
            "message": "App id d3d1be68-066c-4967-a74b-9edcf902dcfb needs to be installed to the scope 19:meeting_ZDMxYzEzMTMtYjZhZi00OGEwLWE3ZGItZjBjNGM3MDE2OTY4@thread.v2 and be in an unblocked state to install/update a tab",  
            "code": "InvalidRequest",  
            "innerError": {},  
            "date": "2021-08-23T08:42:33",  
            "request-id": "2f141d8c-1e41-4d87-b349-2720dc92fd07",  
            "client-request-id": "a2af422a-83f0-435a-8f38-69f9ec84d3c4"  

    Below is the graph end point we are using to Add tab to a specified chat.

    POST /chats/{chat-id}/tabs  

    Before adding tab we are installing the app(App id d3d1be68-066c-4967-a74b-9edcf902dcfb) in that specific chat using below end point. This request returns success.

    POST /chats/{chat-id}/installedApps[125614-tab-add-curlbash.txt][1][125553-app-installation-curlbash.txt][2]  

    Please find attached details of both the requests.

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