Xbox - Subscriptions issue

Max 1 Reputation point

Without any changes on the front or backend, the subscriptions flow on an existing xbox project is suddenly broken and purchases cannot be validated by the backend anymore.


  • As a user purchasing a subscription via Xbox doesn't result in the purchase being fully recognized and validated by the backend. Therefore the user doesn't get assigned a full member and cannot view content behind the paywall

Some more context:

  • Our Xbox app is still able to make a payment request against the MSFT store and this purchase process between Xbox and Microsoft Store is successful
  • The purchase is also registered as a new acquisition in the MSFT Store Dashboard
  • In the purchase validation process, we are still able to successfully generate a valid AD access token, however it seems that we are not able to generate a ‘Microsoft Store ID Key’ as the GetCustomerPurchaseIdAsync returns undefined

Lastly, when trying to emulate this on a PC in order to debug, the purchase goes through just fine. The issue strangely only occurs on an Xbox.

Any help is appreciated.

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