Update Lowest RN

Johnathan Simpson 586 Reputation points

How can I update ONLY the lowest value of rn in my sample DDL below?

Declare @@policedata Table
    ordernumber varchar(100)
    ,sc varchar(50)
    ,rn int

Insert Into @@PoliceData Values
('abc123', NULL, 1), ('abc123', NULL, 2), ('abc123', NULL, 3)
,('lmn123', NULL, 1), ('lmn123', NULL, 2)

Declare @@supdata Table
    ordernumber varchar(100)
    ,sc varchar(50)
    ,sc1 varchar(50)
    ,odate datetime2

Insert Into @@supdata Values
('abc123', '10', '0', '2020-01-20 10:31:58.9370000')
,('lmn123', '0', '40', '2020-01-20 10:31:58.9370000')

SET pd.sc = sd.sscc
FROM @@policedata
        ,SUM(Coalesce(case when CAST(sc As Decimal(16,4)) = 0 THEN Cast(sc1 As Decimal(16,4)) End, Cast(sc1 As Decimal(16,4))) As sscc
        FROM @@supdata 
        WHERE CAST(odate As Date) BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-01-30'
        GROUP BY ordernumber) sd
ON pd.OrderNumber = sd.ordernumber
--this is where i'm not sure what to write
WHERE MIN(pd.rn)

MS SQL Server 2016

A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
4,601 questions
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Accepted answer
  1. Guoxiong 8,201 Reputation points

    Try this:

    UPDATE p
    SET p.sc = COALESCE(NULLIF(s.sc, 0), NULLIF(s.sc1, 0))
    FROM (
        SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ordernumber ORDER BY rn ASC) AS rn_by_ordernumber
        FROM @@policedata 
    ) AS p
    INNER JOIN @@supdata AS s ON p.ordernumber = s.ordernumber
    WHERE p.rn_by_ordernumber = 1;
    SELECT * FROM @@policedata;
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1 additional answer

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  1. Erland Sommarskog 107.2K Reputation points

    Maybe this. (I simplified the SUM in the derived table, because it did not compile, and it seemed unnecessarily complex.) I'm assuming that rn is per ordernumber.

    ; WITH CTE_policedata AS (
             SELECT sc, ordernumber, 
                    rowno = row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY ordernumber ORDER BY rn)
             FROM   @@policedata
         UPDATE pd
         SET pd.sc = sd.sscc
         FROM CTE_policedata  pd
         JOIN (
                 ordernumber, SUM(Cast(sc1 As Decimal(16,4))) As sscc
                 FROM @@supdata 
                 WHERE CAST(odate As Date) BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-01-30'
                 GROUP BY ordernumber) sd
         ON pd.ordernumber = sd.ordernumber
       WHERE pd.rowno = 1
