The initial Cache task works resulting in a cache miss however on the last task step it fails because it cannot find the npm cache directory .npm.
Resolving key:
- npm [string]
- "Linux" [string]
- package-lock.json [file] --> 16C3AA093A9902FA755EBC6ADE442B80EEDF06EF860BD68470595A881573918B
Resolved to: npm|"Linux"|wW2YKYRIcqdBYmbOF3HLiub4ie6oizIM/BpUA4ILc94=
ApplicationInsightsTelemetrySender will correlate events with X-TFS-Session 20fd5b7d-d924-4b39-a3d8-f2519d5dec06
Getting a pipeline cache artifact with one of the following fingerprints:
Fingerprint: `npm|"Linux"|wW2YKYRIcqdBYmbOF3HLiub4ie6oizIM/BpUA4ILc94=`
There is a cache miss.
tar: /home/vsts/work/1/.npm: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
ApplicationInsightsTelemetrySender correlated 1 events with X-TFS-Session 20fd5b7d-d924-4b39-a3d8-f2519d5dec06
As you can see "/home/vsts/work/1/.npm" does not exist under $(Pipeline.Workspace)/.npm
Is this located under a different directory within the agent?