Hi @Yi Lu_MSFT ,
I have installed MS Access database 2016, below are the points observed:
It is not feasible to upload, published or Shared MS Access desktop database in SharePoint Online or in OneDrive with multiple users, below are the reasons:
• It creates multiple copies of the same database file, if multiple users are using it simultaneously.
• Database file can’t be opened by single or multiple users from SharePoint Online, it’s need to be downloaded, and each user need to overwrite the changes, which seems not feasible for further use.
• If a user download it and upload it on SharePoint the changes will not be merged with other user’s changes, it will be overwrite by the last updated user and the changes will be reflected
From the last updated user, however the versions will be maintained in SharePoint Online, so that if a user restored the previous version, he can do the same.
• Forms, Queries, Macros and other objects of the MS Access can’t be shared, only tables data can be Shared that too by linking or by Moving/exporting the table to SharePoint
Exported the relational tables from MS Access to SharePoint Online using MS Access table Export wizard and Observed the below Points:
• Referential integrity is supported for MS Access in SharePoint Online, so child record in foreign key table will not be deleted if we tried to delete from Primary Key table, child record need to be deleted first in SharePoint Online too, and then only it will allow to delete the Primary Key table row of the table, in combination with Referential Integrity cascade delete supported & cascade update not supported in SharePoint Online. It created Lookup column in child table for the Primary Key columns, and which supports Restricted & Cascade delete in SharePoint online
• Only Auto-number/Number keys are eligible for Primary Key in MS Access, if any MS Access table having Primary Key on varchar data type for e.g.:- A01, A02, it works in MS Access
But while exporting the table to SharePoint Online it doesn’t support the relationship, and we will get the relationship broken in SharePoint Online and Parent and Child table will not behave as per the expectations[relates to referential integrity]
Since the database has been used; the ID numbers are not sequential - there are "missing" numbers as records have, over time, been deleted. This isn't an issue until you try to move things to Sharepoint.
The export Sharepoint takes the Primary Key / Autonumber and re-indexes it. So, for example, if my first entry before exporting: customerID = 3, after exporting, customerID = 1,
In such a case MS Access forms and Queries and other related objects which are referencing the required files will give unexpected results and need to be changed accordingly.
below is the supported url:
After exporting table to SharePoint list, you can't do changes in the table design, for eg:-
if you need to add one more column to table, you can add it in MS Access, but it will not reflect in
SharePoint List.
• Publishing of MS Access web databases in SharePoint Online no more supported in recent office 365 subscriptions with regards to SharePoint Online.
Looking at the above points/observations, i don't think so it is a good idea to move the MS Access tables to SharePoint Online.
Please share you suggestions.