VM Monitoring with Set-AzVMExtension

Daniel Steinhauser 1 Reputation point


We've been trying to set up codeless monitoring of our ASP .NET application using Application Insights following the directions for monitoring an Azure VM:


We've successfully configured the extension on the VM, but see almost no telemetry reported in the Application Insights resource we've set up in the Azure portal.

The now no longer recommended Application Insights Status Monitor (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/monitor-performance-live-website-now) worked a bit better for us.

I've noticed that the old monitor used to inject the app insights SDK .dlls and an applicationinsights.config file into our deployed web app. Are these artifacts still required when using the Azure extension?

Is there something else we should be looking for to ensure that our application is actually connected to app insights?

We're currently testing with the default instrumentationKeyMap in our extension configuration:

 "instrumentationKeyMap": {  
      "filters": [  
          "appFilter": ".*",  
          "machineFilter": ".*",  
          "virtualPathFilter": ".*",  
          "instrumentationSettings" : {  
            "connectionString": "InstrumentationKey=<our-application-insights-instrumentation-key>"  

Are there any examples or documentation available that demonstrate how to properly configure the machineFilter and appFilter options with values other than "match everything"?

Thanks for any ideas!

Azure Monitor
Azure Monitor
An Azure service that is used to collect, analyze, and act on telemetry data from Azure and on-premises environments.
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  1. olufemia-MSFT 2,861 Reputation points

    Hello @Daniel Steinhauser , wanted to share a quick update and not leave you hanging over the weekend. :)

    The feature owners reviewed and advised we re-direct this issue to our technical support channel for a deeper look.
    Also worth noting that there's a plan to curate more documentation and samples as this feature evolves from Public preview to general release in the future .

    If you don't have a support plan, send mail to Azcommunity@microsoft.com, include your subscription ID and a link to this thread (for context) and my team will assist.

    Looking forward to your response.


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