For those that are following my question, I FOUND IT!! What I had previously was the default application was a completely separate group, like how almost every how-to video I've watched. However, what I did was remove the group folder and add the install application command to the Setup Operating System folder, and added a restart Computer command at the end. I tested it three times, twice to make sure it wasn't a fluke and the third time was because I added a third application to install, and it installed all 3.
SCCM Task Sequence install multiple applications?
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I created a task sequence that would install Windows 10 and just for a test, added Adobe Creative Cloud and Google Chrome to be installed. The issue that I am having is the task sequence will only install the application that is number 1. I changed the order of the application and it doesn't matter, whatever application is first in the list will be installed, the rest will not be installed.
Thank you