en-us local experience pack from VLSC

tom T 21 Reputation points

Turbo TommyCreated on August 13, 2021
en-us enterpise local experience pack
Hi Community people,

I might be stupid or just missing something here.

I have a multilanguage build I have created using 20H2 and all the LXP files I needed where on the ISO I downloaded from our VLSC.


Now I have used the en-gb Windows media for the build and all the other display languages and keyboards work great.

Now there is a requirement for en-US as the display language from the client in addition to en-GB. Now I dont suppose there is much different, but anyway not a problem if they want that.

But on the ISO mention above there are all the languages you can think of, but no en-us folder or files.

What am I missing here?

Thanks Tom.

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