Real-time enpoint and AutoML models
Hi Azure community,
I am experiencing a probem with Real-time endopoint when trying to deploy models trained using AutoML.
Since deploying AutoML models directly from the portal has some problems due to recent changes in azureml-defaults==1.33.0 (see here:, I found a work around and managed to deploy AutoML models to real-time-endpoint using the script in attachment (123179-automl-endpoint-deploy-workaround.txt).
All it does is to create a conda environment from a yml file (123353-conda-env-v-1-0-0.txt) to solve the issues introduced with azureml-defaults==1.33.0 and use the same entry scripts that are available after AutoML training.
This works in most cases but for ExtremeRandomTrees models. In these cases I get the following error message:
Failure while loading azureml_run_type_providers. Failed to load entrypoint automl = with exception cannot import name 'RunType'.
Do you have any idea what the is problem here? Is there any particular package I should add to the conda enviroment?
I cannot find anything similar on the web, so I decided to ask here.
Also, these real-time-endopoints got stuck in transitioning state and I cannot simply remove them from the Portal. How could I remove them instead?
Any idea and help would be very much appreciated thanks.