The following script creates DTU alert rules that will monitor for the DTU going above 90 % for the last 15min. It will create alerts all databases within a resource group.
#define variable for resource group name by requesting keyboard input
$rg = Read-Host 'Please, input resource group name here (exactly as it is in Azure)'
<#create the array containing databases where alerts are required. The value of v12.0,user corresponds to the kind of resource as to include only the SQL DBs and not the SQL servers#>
$resources = Get-AzureRmResource | ?{ $_.ResourceGroupName -eq $rg -and $_.kind -eq "v12.0,user" } | select resourcename,resourceid
#loop through the array and create the alert rule for each DB
foreach($resource in $resources){$alertname=$resource.resourcename.Substring($resource.resourcename.IndexOf('/')+1);Add-AzureRMMetricAlertRule -ResourceGroup $rg -location "centralus" -targetresourceid $resource.resourceid -Name $alertname -MetricName "dtu_consumption_percent" -Operator "GreaterThan" -Threshold 90 -WindowSize $([TimeSpan]::Parse("00:15:00")) -TimeAggregationOperator "Average" -verbose -Actions $(New-AzureRmAlertRuleEmail -SendToServiceOwners -CustomEmails "")}
You can also find a complete example using Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2 on this article.