@Chris Diehl Are you using the bing resource of Azure entity search? If Yes, then the subscription key of this resource with endpoint 'api.bing.microsoft.com' should work. Here is a working example to call with REST API.
import http.client, urllib.parse
import json
subscriptionKey = '<your_key>'
host = 'api.bing.microsoft.com'
path = '/v7.0/search'
mkt = 'en-US'
query = 'italian restaurants near me'
params = '?mkt=' + mkt + '&q=' + urllib.parse.quote (query)
def get_suggestions ():
headers = {'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': subscriptionKey}
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection (host)
conn.request ("GET", path + params, None, headers)
response = conn.getresponse ()
return response.read()
result = get_suggestions ()
print (json.dumps(json.loads(result), indent=4))
If you are using the key from the cognitive service resource of bing search with this endpoint then this error is possible. All bing search resources from cognitive services used a different endpoint and will error out.