Microsoft treats Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops as a Server OS underneath from my understanding. That being said, with all previous releases of Windows 10 (2004 / 20h2 /etc) there was a comparable Windows Server version. With Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops 21H1, what is Microsoft treating it as underneath?
I ask as we have a group of 15 Azure Virtual Desktop VMs running WIndows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops 21H1. They are a part of an SCCM Software Updates collection that has Windows 10 21H1 updates in it as well as Windows Server 2004 / 20H2 updates. The Virtual Machines however do not see any security updates / cumulative updates available via SCCM.
So I am curious what Microsoft / MECM is seeing Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops 21H1 as?
The SCCM Client properties list it as 21H1 Windows 10, but Im not sure what its being seen as underneath so I can get the VMs to see needed updates?