Hello Raja,
- To know the password
first load the LAPS powershell module on the management server and run
get-admpwdpassword -computername “targethostname”
- For delegating LAPS rights:
Delegate rights to an AD user or group to view the password and reset time attributes
On the computer that the LAPS management utilities are installed on, open a PowerShell prompt with an account that has Domain Admin rights
Run the command to import the LAPS PowerShell module
Import-Module AdmPwd.PS
Run the command to delegate read access to a specific user or group. Replace OU Name with the name of the OU that the user or group will be able to read the attributes for. Replace User or Group Name with the name of the user or group that will be delegated the read permission. Multiple users or groups can be specified in a comma separated list.
Set-AdmPwdReadPasswordPermission –Identity “OU Name” –AllowedPrincipals “User or Group Name”
hope it helps! don't forget to vote if useful or mark as a answer if it resolved your query!
Best regards,
Luis P