MECM 2107 Update "Quirk"

Tim Overdorf 1 Reputation point

I am running the prerequisite check to prepare the update of my site to 2107. I am currently running MECM 2010 on Windows Server 2016. I am having an issue with .Net Framework 4.8 being recognized as installed by the update. I initially ran the prerequisite check and found that I needed to upgrade to version 4.8 and I did. I rebooted the server and ran CU for .Net Framework 4.8 for WS 2016(KB4004752).

The registry indicated that .Net Framework is at that level: 126366-image.png

but when I run the Prerequisite Check I get this 126348-image.png.

I tried the .Net Framework repair tool to see if anything needed fixed and I ran sfc/scannow and did not find anything wrong. Is there something in MECM that I need to run in order to get MECM to recoginize that the server has .Net Framework already installed?

Thank you in advance for any help you can give.


.NET Runtime
.NET Runtime
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Runtime: An environment required to run apps that aren't compiled to machine language.
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