Seat Booking need example with code

RAVI 1,056 Reputation points


We have 3 seats available each 8 hrs and we run two shifts

first shifts = 09:00 = 17:00
second shift = 17:30 = 01:30

For Example : 1 Todays Date Is 01-AUG-2021 and user enter In Textbox1 and Textbox2 like this below

Rajesh 22
Mohan 40
Priya 23

On button click i want to save like this below in MS SQL BOOKING_TABLE

Date Booking_shift seat1 seat2 seat3
01-Aug-2021 09:00 = 17:00 Rajesh-22 Mohan-40 Priya-23

For Example : 2 Now one more user coming On 01-Aug-2021 he is giving data like this

Johar 18
Rani 22

On button click i want to save like this below in MS SQL BOOKING_TABLE

Date Booking_shift seat1 seat2 seat3
01-Aug-2021 09:00 = 17:00 Rajesh-22 Mohan-40 Priya-23
01-Aug-2021 17:30 = 01:30 Johar-18 Rani-22

For Example : 3 02-AUg-2021 no is coming next one more user coming 03-AUG-2021 he is giving data like this

Arshad 25
John 19

On button click i want to save like this below in MS SQL BOOKING_TABLE

Date Booking_shift seat1 seat2 seat3
01-Aug-2021 09:00 = 17:00 Rajesh-22 Mohan-40 Priya-23
01-Aug-2021 17:30 = 01:30 Johar-18 Rani-22
03-Aug-2021 09:00 = 17:00 Arhsad-25 John-19

how to do this in old 2.0 C#
thank you

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  1. RAVI 1,056 Reputation points


    Simple Way To Say Instert In MS SQL TABLE Like Movie Ticket Booking IF seat available it has to say already plan if not then have to move next available slot per day the movie run in theater in two times slot first shifts = 09:00 = 17:00
    second shift = 17:30 = 01:30

  2. RAVI 1,056 Reputation points

    Thank you

    Please give me one small example complete code with aspx and c# code page.. Thanks