@Nacho @Kawsar Mahmud This export issue is now fixed. Could you please check and try again?
Error Speech studio
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Hello, my name is Jose and I have a problem with the Azure Speech Studio application. When I try to export the text to audio files I get the following message:
Error: Only a maximum of 0 paragraphs per export task are supported. Currently, there are a total of 2 paragraph(s) in all selected files. Below are ssml files paragraph count: Sin título(id=2d2ccfbb-1c09-4038-8ef3-8ca566c07fa5, paragraphs=2)
Someone would know how to tell me how to solve it. I have been working with the program without problems until today I don't get it to work in any way
Thank you
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romungi-MSFT 48,406 Reputation points Microsoft Employee