Sorry, I failed to pay attention that it was this new custom-extension thing in SQL 2019.
I went through the steps in the article, and when I tested your script, I got this output:
STDOUT message(s) from external script:
[1] " ��Hello RExtension! ��"
This question marks indicates that there is an encoding problem, but I got no error message.
I can't say what may be wrong in your case. I tried the error code you got in the Error Lookup utility, and it seems to mean operation aborted.
I noticed that there were quite a few steps to get this running, so may want to go back to check if you made a mistake on the way.
Also, you seem to have the original R installed, which I don't have on this instance. The introduction of the article says "Do not select R" in the beginning. I don't know if there can be a conflict.