Upgrade from 1809 to 21H1 stopped and failed at 98%

Adam Smith 1 Reputation point

Hi all,

I'm trying to look through some logs but i cant find any information on what could be the main cause of this problem. We have multiple machines that use the same configuration but a few machines just stop at 98%

Below is the setuperr.log file

    2021-08-31 16:46:11, Error                 MOUPG  CMoSetupOneSettingsHelperT<class CEmptyType>::InitializeSettings(324): Result = 0x80072EE2[gle=0x00002ee2]
    2021-08-31 16:46:11, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupHost::InitializeOneSettings(1341): Result = 0x80072EE2
    2021-08-31 16:46:11, Error                 MOUPG  SetupHost: OneSettings initialization failed: [0x80072EE2]
    2021-08-31 16:47:14, Error                 MOUPG  CFCDCATQuery::RetrieveResponse(311): Result = 0x80072EE2[gle=0x00002ee2]
    2021-08-31 16:47:14, Error                 MOUPG  CFCDCATQuery::Query(210): Result = 0x80072EE2[gle=0x00002ee2]
    2021-08-31 16:47:14, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::QueryWeb(991): Result = 0x80072EE2
    2021-08-31 16:47:14, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::Download(1308): Result = 0x80072EE2
    2021-08-31 16:47:14, Error                 MOUPG  CFCPayloadDU::Download(267): Result = 0x80072EE2
    2021-08-31 16:47:14, Error                 MOUPG  DUSetup: Error on downloading SetupDU Payload: [0x80072EE2]
    2021-08-31 16:47:14, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionDU::ExecuteFacilitatorDUSetup(2183): Result = 0x80072EE2
    2021-08-31 16:50:04, Error                 CONX   Windows::Compat::Appraiser::AppraiserSettings::GetSettingsInternal (331):   Failed to retrieve DeviceTicket: [0x800704cf][gle=0x800704cf]
    2021-08-31 16:52:20, Error                 CONX   Windows::Compat::Appraiser::AppraiserSettings::GetSettingsInternal (381):   Failed to Query OneSettings [0x80072ee2] :: (ForcedOptIn:[FALSE], IsOptedIntoCore:[TRUE], IsOptedIntoCommercial:[FALSE], AllowedToQueryServer:[TRUE])[gle=0x80072ee2]
    2021-08-31 16:54:32, Error                 MOUPG  CFCDCATQuery::RetrieveResponse(311): Result = 0x80072EE2[gle=0x00002ee2]
    2021-08-31 16:54:32, Error                 MOUPG  CFCDCATQuery::Query(210): Result = 0x80072EE2[gle=0x00002ee2]
    2021-08-31 16:54:32, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::QueryWeb(991): Result = 0x80072EE2
    2021-08-31 16:54:32, Error                 MOUPG  CFCAcquirerDCAT::Download(1308): Result = 0x80072EE2
    2021-08-31 16:54:32, Error                 MOUPG  CFCPayloadDU::Download(267): Result = 0x80072EE2
    2021-08-31 16:54:32, Error                 MOUPG  DUImage: Error on downloading ImageDU Payload: [0x80072EE2]
    2021-08-31 16:54:32, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionDU::ExecuteFacilitatorDUImage(1473): Result = 0x80072EE2
    2021-08-31 16:54:33, Error                 CSI    00000001 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #40# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = abc ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup'), vn = [l:7 ml:8]'Compact', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-08-31 16:54:33, Error                 CSI    00000002 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #39# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:31]'\Registry\Machine\SYSTEM\Setup\', vn = [l:7 ml:8]'Compact', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-08-31 16:54:39, Error                 CSI    00000003 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #84# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = b74 ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts'), vn = [l:21 ml:22]'Arial Nova (TrueType)', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-08-31 16:54:39, Error                 CSI    00000004 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #83# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:69]'\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts\', vn = [l:21 ml:22]'Arial Nova (TrueType)', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]
    2021-08-31 16:55:25, Error                 DU     DU::CDUSession::Search: Failed to set WU internal configuration property for targeted scans. hr = 0x80070057
    2021-08-31 16:55:25, Error                 DU     DU::CDUSession::BuildSearchCriteria: Caller profile search criterion is not supported. hr = 0x80070032
    2021-08-31 16:55:25, Error                 DU     DU::CDUSession::Search: Failed to build the search criteria. hr = 0x80070032
    2021-08-31 16:55:45, Error                 CONX   Windows::Compat::Appraiser::AppraiserSettings::GetSettingsInternal (331):   Failed to retrieve DeviceTicket: [0x800704cf][gle=0x800704cf]
    2021-08-31 16:58:02, Error                 CONX   Windows::Compat::Appraiser::AppraiserSettings::GetSettingsInternal (381):   Failed to Query OneSettings [0x80072ee2] :: (ForcedOptIn:[FALSE], IsOptedIntoCore:[TRUE], IsOptedIntoCommercial:[FALSE], AllowedToQueryServer:[TRUE])[gle=0x80072ee2]
    2021-08-31 16:58:03, Error                 CONX   aeinv: ERROR,GetAppInventory,102,Inventory already running: [0x800700aa]

    2021-08-31 17:33:44, Error                 MIG    Ignoring replacement manifest with no settingsVersionRange or versionRange attribute in migration element: Microsoft-Windows-Container-Manager
    2021-08-31 17:34:19, Error      [0x080831] MIG    CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: "script" attribute is mandatory. class Mig::CMXEMerge *__cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadMerge(class UnBCL::XmlNode *,int,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)
    2021-08-31 17:34:23, Error      [0x080831] MIG    CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: "script" attribute is mandatory. class Mig::CMXEMerge *__cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadMerge(class UnBCL::XmlNode *,int,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)
    2021-08-31 17:34:24, Error      [0x080366] MIG    String or RParan expected. Script MigXmlHelper.RelativeMove('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [Enabled]',
                'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [ThrottleFramerate]')
    2021-08-31 17:34:24, Error      [0x080831] MIG    CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: Callback entry point MigXmlHelper.RelativeMove('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [Enabled]',
                'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [ThrottleFramerate]') not found. __cdecl Mig::CMXEScriptCaller::CMXEScriptCaller(class UnBCL::String *,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)
    2021-08-31 17:57:50, Error                 MIG    CMXEPlugin::StopTimedExecution: AppxUpgradeMigrationPlugin.dll:Gather - plugin call timed out
    2021-08-31 17:57:50, Error      [0x080389] MIG    Failure while calling IDiscovery->Gather for Plugin={ServerPath="Microsoft-Windows-AppX-Deployment-Server\AppxUpgradeMigrationPlugin.dll", CLSID={AE27C1A6-25F2-45FD-9A28-081B81F29E0A}, ThreadingModel=Apartment}. Error: 0x800705B4
    2021-08-31 17:57:50, Error                 MIG    Error 0x000005B4 while executing critical action Action,CMXEPlugin,C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\ReplacementManifests,Microsoft-Windows-AppX-Deployment-Server\AppxUpgradeMigrationPlugin.dll,{AE27C1A6-25F2-45FD-9A28-081B81F29E0A},Apartment. Migration will abort[gle=0x000000cb]
    2021-08-31 17:57:51, Error                        Gather failed. Last error: 0x00000000
    2021-08-31 17:57:51, Error                 SP     pSPDoMainGather: Gather operation failed. Error: 0x0000002C
    2021-08-31 17:57:55, Error                 SP     CGatherData: Migration phase failed. Status: 44[gle=0x00000002]
    2021-08-31 17:57:55, Error                 SP     Operation failed: Gather data, scope: EVERYTHING. Error: 0x8007042B[gle=0x000000b7]
    2021-08-31 17:58:02, Error                 SP     CSetupPlatform::ResurrectAutomation: Failed to resurrect automation: 0x80070002[gle=0x00000002]
    2021-08-31 18:10:30, Error                 MIG    Ignoring replacement manifest with no settingsVersionRange or versionRange attribute in migration element: Microsoft-Windows-Container-Manager
    2021-08-31 18:11:05, Error      [0x080831] MIG    CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: "script" attribute is mandatory. class Mig::CMXEMerge *__cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadMerge(class UnBCL::XmlNode *,int,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)
    2021-08-31 18:11:08, Error      [0x080831] MIG    CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: "script" attribute is mandatory. class Mig::CMXEMerge *__cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadMerge(class UnBCL::XmlNode *,int,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)
    2021-08-31 18:11:09, Error      [0x080366] MIG    String or RParan expected. Script MigXmlHelper.RelativeMove('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [Enabled]',
                'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [ThrottleFramerate]')
    2021-08-31 18:11:09, Error      [0x080831] MIG    CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: Callback entry point MigXmlHelper.RelativeMove('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [Enabled]',
                'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [ThrottleFramerate]') not found. __cdecl Mig::CMXEScriptCaller::CMXEScriptCaller(class UnBCL::String *,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)
    2021-08-31 18:34:05, Error                 MIG    CMXEPlugin::StopTimedExecution: AppxUpgradeMigrationPlugin.dll:Gather - plugin call timed out
    2021-08-31 18:34:05, Error      [0x080389] MIG    Failure while calling IDiscovery->Gather for Plugin={ServerPath="Microsoft-Windows-AppX-Deployment-Server\AppxUpgradeMigrationPlugin.dll", CLSID={AE27C1A6-25F2-45FD-9A28-081B81F29E0A}, ThreadingModel=Apartment}. Error: 0x800705B4
    2021-08-31 18:34:05, Error                 MIG    Error 0x000005B4 while executing critical action Action,CMXEPlugin,C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\ReplacementManifests,Microsoft-Windows-AppX-Deployment-Server\AppxUpgradeMigrationPlugin.dll,{AE27C1A6-25F2-45FD-9A28-081B81F29E0A},Apartment. Migration will abort[gle=0x000000cb]
    2021-08-31 18:34:05, Error                        Gather failed. Last error: 0x00000000
    2021-08-31 18:34:05, Error                 SP     pSPDoMainGather: Gather operation failed. Error: 0x0000002C
    2021-08-31 18:34:09, Error                 SP     CGatherData: Migration phase failed. Status: 44[gle=0x00000002]
    2021-08-31 18:34:09, Error                 SP     Operation failed: Gather data, scope: EVERYTHING. Error: 0x8007042B[gle=0x000000b7]
    2021-08-31 18:34:09, Error                 SP     COperationQueue::Sort: Could not find an execution phase for 50[gle=0x00000002]
    2021-08-31 18:34:09, Error                 SP     Operations can no longer be sorted following an attempt to retry a failed operation.[gle=0x00000002]
    2021-08-31 18:34:09, Error                 SP     ExecuteOperations: Failed execution phase Finalize. Error: 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:34:09, Error                 MOUPG  MoSetupPlatform: Finalize reported failure!
    2021-08-31 18:34:09, Error                 MOUPG  MoSetupPlatform: Using action error code: [0x8007042B]
    2021-08-31 18:34:09, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionFinalize::ExecuteSetupPlatformFinalize(1120): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:34:09, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionFinalize::ExecuteRoutine(510): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:34:11, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpActionImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IMoSetupDlpAction> > > >::Execute(493): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:34:11, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpTask::ExecuteAction(3300): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:34:11, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpTask::ExecuteActions(3454): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:34:11, Error                 MOUPG  CDlpTask::Execute(1631): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:34:11, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupManager::ExecuteTask(2630): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:34:11, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupManager::ExecuteTask(2593): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:34:11, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupManager::ExecuteInstallMode(944): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:34:11, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupManager::ExecuteDownlevelMode(410): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:36:53, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupManager::Execute(295): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:36:53, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupHost::Execute(433): Result = 0x8007042B
    2021-08-31 18:37:30, Error                 MOUPG  CSetupHost::ExecuteDiagnosticAnalysis(1567): Result = 0x80004003
Windows 10 Setup
Windows 10 Setup
Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.Setup: The procedures involved in preparing a software program or application to operate within a computer or mobile device.
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  1. Limitless Technology 39,511 Reputation points

    Hi there,

    Can you elaborate on the Issue , So if I am not wrong you cannot update your Windows server I guess.
    One common issue is not having sufficient disk space on the OS drive
    You can try the Windows 10 Update Assistant tool to check what it says, it will run prerequisites check and verify if your system meets the prerequisites.
    And for the Log files you can have look at here

    Hope this Answers all your queries , if not please do repost back .
    If an Answer is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it : )

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