Reinstall DW in post updated environment

Artimes 346 Reputation points

I reinstalled my DW where the SM management server is running with UR9. I followed this instruction till the first red paragraph. Before I go ahead I want to make things clear:

  1. I have to disable job shedule via Get-SCDWJob | foreach-object { Disable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName $_.Name }
  2. re-register SCSM to the DW
  3. Start MPSyncJob if it is not already running via Start-SCDWJob -jobname 'MPSyncJob'
  4. add group for Report Users under Data Warehouse - Security - User Roles
  5. wait for an hour, if jobs like EXTRACT are running, then execute command from (1.) BTW I don't understand why to disable all jobs again, because I think MPSyncJob should run. Or should I exclude MPSyncJob from disabling?
  6. Install UR9
  7. Run the disable job schedules command again (exclude MPSyncJob?) And why disbale and not enable or rather start jobs in certain order? With respect to 2. This was the output before I register SM to DW:
    BatchId Name                        Status       CategoryName     StartTime                EndTime                  IsEnabled  
    ------- ----                        ------       ------------     ---------                -------                  ---------  
    80      DWMaintenance               Not Started  Maintenance                                                        True  
    83      Extract_DW_SCSM_            Running      Extract          10.09.2021 03:20:00                               False  
    76      MPSyncJob                   Running      Synchronization  10.09.2021 03:16:00                               True  

After register the output of get-scdwjob does not change (I wait more then 24h). It seems the MPSyncJob stucks because there was no progress, see also the img below.

Then I decided to troubleshot the stucked job as described here but since hours no progress as well. The MP syncronization progress in the console is the same as you can see in picture above, aslo the start time does not change.

  BatchId Name                 Status       CategoryName     StartTime                EndTime                  IsEnabled  
  ------- ----                 ------       ------------     ---------                -------                  ---------  
  80      DWMaintenance        Not Started  Maintenance                                                        True       
  133     Extract_DW_SCSM_     Not Started  Extract                                                            False      
  134     MPSyncJob            Running      Synchronization  13.09.2021 02:52:00                               True   
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  1. Dieter Gasser 171 Reputation points

    Hi, please be aware that the Disable-SCDWJobSchedule command does not disable the job, it only disables the schedule of the job. This means the job will no longer execute bysed on the schedule. This is needed so no jobs are triggered while running the UR installation.

    After manually executing the MPSyncJob, you will notice that new jobs have been created. This is why the Disable-SCDWJobSchedule command needs to be execute again so to make sure the schedules of the newly created jobs are also disabled.

    Makes sense?

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