Hello @Talha , Thank you for reaching out. Yes you can definitely use the same client certificate (generated from one root certificate) for multiple client machines or you can create unique client certificates (generated from one root certificate) for each client computer. The advantage of using unique certificate for each machine is that when you want to revoke any client certificate you wont have to regenerate it in each any every machine.
Just to add if you remove any root certificate the clients that have a certificate generated from that root won't be able to authenticate. You can add up to 20 trusted root certificate .cer files to Azure.
You can also go through this FAQ doc for any additional details.
This information is mentioned in a different sections of the document you shared above, please let me know if you have if you have any additional concerns. I will be glad to continue with our discussion.
In P2S Azure VPN, Can I use same client child certificate for multiple PC at the same time?
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we have a configured Azure P2S VPN which is using root and client certificate. I want to know if I can use same certificate for multiple client PC at the same time or do I have to create root and client certificate for each individual PC?
Here is a link that I am following to create certificates : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/vpn-gateway/vpn-gateway-howto-point-to-site-resource-manager-portal#generatecert
Accepted answer
ChaitanyaNaykodi-MSFT 26,546 Reputation points Microsoft Employee