Using the Store API how do I Submit an In App Product?

Todd Spatafore 1 Reputation point

I used the instructions found here:

To create an IAP using the API in C#. It successfully creates the IAP but it won't submit. Initially I got a:

---> System.Exception: { "statusCode": 429, "message": "Rate limit is exceeded. Try again in 290 seconds." }  

This was with creating one IAP. So I slowed down the code by putting 30 seconds in between each step and a 5 minute wait before submitting. This allowed me to successfully submit the IAP Submission, but I then received the error:

Submission has failed. Please check the Errors collection of the submissionResource response.  

When I investigate it with a debugger I see the error that I have this message:

Submission has active validation errors which cannot be exposed via API, please visit to see the issue.  

Has anyone been successful in submitting an IAP Submission using the Store API? Help?

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