Unable to Copy Files from One Sharepoint Library to Another

Nichole 1 Reputation point

Hi, we're running into issues attempting to copy files from one of our Sharepoint Online Libraries. Here's what we noticed:

  • Attempt to copy any file yields a failed message
  • Unable to copy to any location
  • No files are currently checked out
  • Other libraries on the same site copy files just fine
  • Permissions for the problematic library appear correct and unchanged

Any other ideas? Thanks in advance! : )

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  1. Jerry Xu 256 Reputation points

    I assume you are using the "Copy To" function. I tested in several tenants and all of the document libraries work pretty fine. Does this issue occurs on all users who can access this library? Have you set any IRM policy on it?

    If this issue only occurs on this certain library, as a workaround please try to download all the files and re-upload to a new library.