We are targeting to release npm 6.13.4 early Feb at the latest.
When will Node.js version 12.14.x be available on Azure App Services
Fred Kamminga
Reputation points
In December 2019 npm Binary Planting vulnerabilities were published. References:
- https://blog.npmjs.org/post/189618601100/binary-planting-with-the-npm-cli
- https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-16777
These vulnerabilities are patched in npm 6.13.4
To mitigate against the vulnerabilites we'd like to upgrade our app services to node 12.14.x (npm 6.13.4). However the highest available node version on Azure App Services (Windows web app) currently is 12.13.0 (npm 6.12.0).
So when will Node.js version 12.14.x be available on Azure App Services?
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Monalla-MSFT 13,046 Reputation points
2020-06-09T12:01:05.187+00:00 @Fred Kamminga - NPM 6.13.4 is available.