Cannot connect to SQL database (ADF) - Pipeline -> DataFlow -> Sink

K Rameshwar Arya 1 Reputation point

Hi Team,

{"message":"at Sink 'XXXXXXXXXXSink': java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot connect to SQL database: 'jdbc:sqlserver://;database=XXXXXXXXXX', 'User: XXXXXXXXXX'. Please check the linked service configuration is correct, and make sure the SQL database firewall allows the integration runtime to access.. Details:at Sink 'XXXXXXXXXXSink': java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot connect to SQL database: 'jdbc:sqlserver://;database=XXXXXXXXXX001', 'User: XXXXXXXXXX'. Please check the linked service configuration is correct, and make sure the SQL database firewall allows the integration runtime to access.","failureType":"UserError","target":"XXXXXXXXXX(DataFlow)","errorCode":"DFExecutorUserError"}

This the error i am receiving while running a pipeline.

When i run the same pipeline manually it is running fine but using a trigger it fails certain times.

There is no issue when i check the test connection.


Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
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  1. KranthiPakala-MSFT 46,427 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi @K Rameshwar Arya ,

    Welcome to Microsoft Q&A platform and thank you for reaching out.

    It seems to be an issue with SQL server firewall blocking Azure Integration Runtime IP address. Could you please go to the SQL server in portal - > Firewalls and virtual networks option under Security and enable Allow Azure Services and resources to access this server option and see if that helps to resolve the issue.


    In case if you still encounter the issue after trying this suggestion, please do share below details for further analysis.

    • DataFactory region?
    • Failed pipeline run ID?
    • Failed activity run ID?
    • Is your Azure IR - auto resolve or a custom (if custom IR, what is the location)?

    Please let us know how it goes.


    Thank you
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