Azure Video Analyzer - RTSP connectionRefused

Luis Molina Martinez 126 Reputation points

Hi, I´m testing the Azure Video Analyzer AVA framework, it works ok with the videos in the samples, the ones allocated in the rtspsim module, but I´m not able to make it work with some external RTSP sources. I´m using this source rtsp:// and another ones, these sources work in VLC player and in some custom programming in Python with OpenCV, so I don´t think there is an error with these sources, but still, the AVA module refuses the source, see error below

avaedge "subject": "/livePipelines/Sample-Pipeline-3/sources/rtspSource",
avaedge "eventType": "Microsoft.VideoAnalyzer.Diagnostics.NetworkError",
avaedge "eventTime": "2021-09-14T09:06:27.382Z",
avaedge "data": {
avaedge "code": "connectionRefused",
avaedge "target": "rtsp"
avaedge },

Azure IoT Edge
Azure IoT Edge
An Azure service that is used to deploy cloud workloads to run on internet of things (IoT) edge devices via standard containers.
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Accepted answer
  1. Luis Molina Martinez 126 Reputation points

    I confirm that my issue was a networking issue with the RTSP source, so please close this thread, regarding the mkv´s, I also confirm they work ok, I was able to get the source code for the rtspsim and created new videos with this format and they work. It would be great if it can use another formats.


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