Questions about Windows app certification kit warnings and failure

c00012 716 Reputation points


I just finished Windows app certification Kit test and got Pass with warnings.
But I have some questions about this result.

  1. DPI awareness: I've got the following message.


Warning: The DPI-awareness validation test detected following Warnings:
File PaymentEstFinal\PaymentEstFinal.exe neither has PerMonitorV2 manifested in the manifest nor calls into DPI Awareness APIs for ex: user32!SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext or user32!SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext.
The app 4029.PayEsTor_1.0.3.0_x64__25nb5pfdae9aj is not DPI Aware.
Impact if not fixed: Apps that are not DPI-aware but are running on a high-DPI display setting can exhibit incorrect scaling of UI elements, clipped text, and blurry images.
How to fix: It is recommended that you declare your app as DPI-aware in the app manifest. Otherwise, app should use DPI Awareness API calls for example:either SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext or SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext APIs.

I searched manifest of the app but I couldn't found where to configure.

  1. Debug configuration

Error Found: The debug configuration test detected the following errors:
The binary Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core.dll is built in debug mode.
Impact if not fixed: Microsoft Store doesn’t allow a debug version of an app.
How to fix: Please make sure the app isn’t linking to any debug versions of a framework and it is built with release configuration with optimization enabled. If this is a managed app please make sure you have installed the correct version of .NET framework.

  1. Package Sanity Test

Error Found: The blocked executables test has detected the following errors:
File PaymentEstFinal\PenImc_cor3.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API shell32.dll!ShellExecuteExW
File PaymentEstFinal\System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API System.Diagnostics.Process.Start
File PaymentEstFinal\PaymentEstFinal.exe contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API shell32.dll!ShellExecuteW
File PaymentEstFinal\mscordbi.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API kernel32.dll!CreateProcessW
File PaymentEstFinal\coreclr.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API kernel32.dll!CreateProcessW
File PaymentEstFinal\System.Windows.Forms.Primitives.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API shell32.dll!ShellExecuteW
File PaymentEstFinal\UIAutomationTypes.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API shell32.dll!ShellExecuteA
File PaymentEstFinal\UIAutomationTypes.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API shell32.dll!ShellExecuteEx
File PaymentEstFinal\Microsoft.VisualBasic.Forms.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API kernel32.dll!CreateProcessA
File PaymentEstFinal\WindowsBase.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API shell32.dll!ShellExecuteA
File PaymentEstFinal\WindowsBase.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API shell32.dll!ShellExecuteEx
File PaymentEstFinal\dbgshim.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API kernel32.dll!CreateProcessW
File PaymentEstFinal\System.CodeDom.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API System.Diagnostics.Process.Start
File PaymentEstFinal\PresentationUI.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API System.Diagnostics.Process.Start
File PaymentEstFinal\System.Diagnostics.Process.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API kernel32.dll!CreateProcessW
File PaymentEstFinal\System.Diagnostics.Process.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API shell32.dll!ShellExecuteExW
File PaymentEstFinal\PresentationFramework.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API shell32.dll!ShellExecuteEx
File PaymentEstFinal\Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API System.Diagnostics.Process.Start
File PaymentEstFinal\System.Windows.Forms.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API shell32.dll!ShellExecuteW
File PaymentEstFinal\System.Windows.Forms.dll contains a reference to a "Launch Process" related API System.Diagnostics.Process.Start
File clrjit.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "bash".
File D3DCompiler_47_cor3.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cmd".
File D3DCompiler_47_cor3.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "Reg".
File MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "Bash".
File MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "Powershell".
File Microsoft.CSharp.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.x86.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cmd".
File Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File PresentationCore.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File PresentationCore.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cmd".
File PresentationFramework.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "reG".
File PresentationFramework.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "CSI".
File ReachFramework.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "reG".
File ReachFramework.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File System.CodeDom.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cmd".
File System.Collections.Immutable.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File System.Data.Common.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File System.DirectoryServices.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File System.Drawing.Common.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File System.Drawing.Primitives.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "CSI".
File System.Linq.Expressions.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "csi".
File System.Linq.Parallel.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File System.Net.Sockets.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cmd".
File System.Net.Sockets.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File System.Private.CoreLib.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "dnX".
File System.Private.CoreLib.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "CSI".
File System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "reg".
File System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File System.Private.Uri.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File System.Private.Xml.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "reg".
File System.Private.Xml.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "CDb".
File System.Private.Xml.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File System.Reflection.Metadata.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File System.Runtime.Numerics.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "CSI".
File System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File System.Security.AccessControl.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File System.Security.Cryptography.Cng.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "rEG".
File System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File System.Windows.Forms.Design.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "reg".
File System.Windows.Forms.Design.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cmd".
File System.Windows.Forms.Design.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File System.Windows.Forms.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cmd".
File System.Windows.Forms.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSi".
File System.Windows.Forms.Primitives.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cmd".
File System.Windows.Forms.Primitives.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "CSI".
File ucrtbase.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cmd.exe".
File UIAutomationClient.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "CSI".
File UIAutomationClientSideProviders.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cmd".
File UIAutomationClientSideProviders.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".
File WindowsBase.dll contains a blocked executable reference to "cSI".

Impact if not fixed: Launching executable files is restricted on Windows 10 S systems. Apps that rely on this capability might not run correctly on Windows 10 S systems.
How to fix: Identify which of the flagged entries represent a call to launch an executable file that is not part of your app and remove those calls. If the flagged files are part of your application, you may ignore the warning.

I couldn't figure out how can I fix these warning and error.

if someone pick my mistake or let me know good reference to fix, I'd be very appreciate.



Windows Presentation Foundation
Windows Presentation Foundation
A part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for building line-of-business desktop applications on Windows.
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  1. Hui Liu-MSFT 47,341 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Windows App Certification Test Kit is a tool to make a certification test for the app which is expected to be published. For more information about packaging the app and publishing it to the app store, please ask in Submit and Publish the App to better help you.
    For the issue of DPIAwarenessValidation, you could try to refer here .

    --Impact if not fixed: Microsoft Store doesn’t allow a debug version of an app.

    An idea and untested: You could try to open the Configuration Manager to set up and make sure that your project is facing the same Platform (Steps for an easier way to package WPF projects using Visual Studio).

    If the response is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it.
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  2. Humberto Molina López 1 Reputation point

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  3. Humberto Molina López 1 Reputation point


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